King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy (KACARE) has launched a program to develop national cadres under the umbrella of the Uranium Mining Project in central Jordan. The program, which will last for a year, will be conducted in cooperation with the Jordanian Atomic Energy Commission and Jordanian Uranium Mining Co. The first batch …
Many Americans, including me, had our views of nuclear power strongly shaped by the 1979 film The China Syndrome. This polemic’s alarming message was amplified when the Three Mile Island nuclear accident occurred just days after its release. Splitting uranium atoms to generate electricity had once been touted as a miraculous solution to the world’s …
The world’s largest producer of Uranium has gone on to say that its sales have jumped by 65 percent. The Kazakhstan-based Kazatomprom is the world’s largest producer of natural uranium, having almost total access to one of the world’s largest uranium resource bases while producing other rare earth metals as a secondary source of revenue. …
EXCLUSIVE TO SIGHTLINE U3O8: In January 2017, while announcing planned production cuts, the Chairman of the Management Board of Kazatomprom (Kazakhstan’s national uranium arm) explained that the glut of uranium supply would be the reality of the market for the near term. He then went on to state, “It will be better for our shareholders and …
MINING operations at Swakop Uranium’s Husab mine in Erongo were stopped on Tuesday after workers aired concerns over their safety in light of claims that unchecked explosives and detonators were discovered on the site. Sources on the mine told The Namibian that about 500 workers in the mining department stopped working yesterday already and will not return …
The share of nuclear power generation in the global energy mix is set to decline through 2040 if there is no policy support to promote investment, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA). “Nuclear energy plays a major role in both energy security and sustainability in today’s energy mix,” Dr Fatih Birol, the IEA’s Executive …
Want to whip climate change? It’s time to embrace the nuclear option, which is, in fact, nuclear power. So argues Alberta’s most enthusiastic advocate for nuclear power, engineer Sean Wagner, who runs the Alberta Nuclear Nucleus blog to educate folks on the benefits of nuclear energy. Alberta uses 10 to 11 gigawatts of electrical power …
Uranium production in Namibia is forecast to rise by 50 percent year-on-year in 2019, more than double the rate of expansion from last year’s 20 percent level, a research firm said. Fitch Solutions Macro Research in the Africa Monitor report for southern Africa released Wednesday, said depressed uranium prices due to overcapacity led to a …
BP might not be the first source you go to for environmental news, but its annual energy review is highly regarded by climate watchers. And its 2018 message was stark: despite the angst over global warming, coal was responsible for 38% of the world’s power in 2017—precisely the same level as when the first global …
The possibility of Britain exiting the European Union without a deal is coming into sharper focus for power, natural gas and carbon allowance traders as futures for next month start to expire. A no-deal Brexit could rattle traders because of the complicated links that hold the EU energy market together. For example, natural gas produced …