Technology for slashing nuclear power plant waste wins Swiss backing

Switzerland has endorsed a long sought-after technology known as “nuclear transmutation” to dramatically reduce the amount of radioactive waste from atomic power plants. Nagra, the Swiss national body that manages nuclear waste, said it had spent several months exploring the method proposed by Geneva-based start-up Transmutex and had concluded that the technology could cut the …

France eyes spent uranium plant to bypass Russia

The French government has said it is “seriously” studying the option of building a plant to convert and enrich reprocessed uranium to cut its reliance on Russia following the invasion of Ukraine. The only plant in the world that currently converts reprocessed uranium for use in nuclear power plants is located in Russia. “The option of carrying out an industrial project to convert reprocessed uranium in France is being seriously …

Sellafield ‘tie-in’ connection contract for Ansaldo Nuclear

Ansaldo Nuclear has been awarded a contract for the installation of key connections between existing and new facilities at the Sellafield site in Cumbria, England. It is the first contract awarded under Sellafield Ltd’s Programme and Project Partners new goods and services agreement. Under the contract – the value of which has not been disclosed …

UK reprocessing plant to end operations

The Magnox reprocessing plant at Sellafield will end its operations in July, marking the completion of the UK Nuclear Decommissioning Authority’s (NDA) Magnox Operating Programme.   The plant, which began operations in 1964, had been scheduled to close in 2020 but disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic meant the schedule was moved back. The plant …

ROSATOM starts construction of unique power unit with BREST-OD-300 fast neutron reactor

The construction of a 300 MW nuclear power unit with an innovative lead coolant BREST-OD-300 fast reactor has begun at the site of the Siberian Chemical Combine (an enterprise of TVEL Fuel Company of ROSATOM) in Seversk, Russia’s Tomsk region. The event was attended by Tomsk regional governor Sergei Zhvachkin, ROSATOM Director General Alexey Likhachev, …

Honeywell to Reopen Sole U.S. Uranium Conversion Plant

Honeywell is gearing up to reopen the Metropolis Works plant in Metropolis, Illinois—the U.S.’s sole uranium conversion facility—and restart production of uranium hexafluoride (UF6) by early 2023. The Charlotte, North Carolina–based global technology giant told POWER in a statement on Feb. 9 it has communicated to employees and officials its intent to reopen the facility, which it idled …

China still pursuing nuclear fuel reprocessing plant with France

China is still actively promoting a nuclear fuel reprocessing project with France’s Orano, formerly called Areva, the head of China’s nuclear safety watchdog said on Tuesday. France is one of the world’s few civil nuclear powers which reprocesses and reuses part of the spent fuel of its nuclear reactors, rather than treating it as waste. …

What Is Enriched Uranium?

Tension has been increasing between the U.S. and Iran. Central to the conflict is uranium enrichment, with each country accusing the other of bad faith. During the turmoil, Iran announced that it had crossed an important threshold: They had enriched uranium past the 4.5% level. But what exactly does that mean? Uranium is the heaviest …

Regulator approval nears for Aomori’s Rokkasho nuclear fuel processing plant

A spent nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in Rokkasho, Aomori Prefecture, looks set to gain approval for full operation as the country’s regulator completed most of its safety review Friday. The Nuclear Regulation Authority checked remaining safety measures against the risks of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, and its members made no objection. Operator Japan Nuclear Fuel …