A fresh design for a compact nuclear power station being developed by hundreds of Rolls-Royce engineers in Derby has been revealed. Nuclear power experts in the city have also helped increase the power of the small modular reactors (SMR), working as part of a large consortium led by Rolls-Royce. The consortium estimates that the nuclear …
The International Energy Agency’s Net Zero Emissions (NZE) scenario puts too much faith in technologies that are “uncertain, untested or unreliable” and fails to reflect both the size and scope of the contribution that nuclear technologies could make, World Nuclear Association said today. “Given that more than 60% of the world’s electricity is currently generated …
‘Small modular reactors have a role to play in moving forward on climate change,’ CEO says Three Indigenous-owned companies in Saskatchewan have announced they’re exploring small modular reactors (SMR). Kitsaki Management, Athabasca Basin Development and Des Nedhe Group have all signed a memorandum of understanding concerning their support for nuclear power in Saskatchewan. “We think …
World leaders have a critical opportunity at the G7 and Pre-COP summits “to set a bold new direction” in the fight against climate change, six nuclear industry groups say in an open letter published today. The letter was signed by the heads of the Canadian Nuclear Association, Europe’s Foratom, the Japan Atomic Industrial Forum, the …
Poland’s Ministry of Education and Science and the National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ) have signed an agreement for the next round of high temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) design work. The agreement was signed yesterday in Otwock-Spruce, at a ceremony attended by Minister of Climate and Environment Michał Kurtyka, Minister of Education and Science Przemysław …
The UK’s Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) yesterday opened the Generic Design Assessment (GDA) to advanced nuclear technologies. BEIS has also published a policy paper stating that the advanced nuclear sector has the potential to play an important part in the UK’s Industrial Strategy. GDA is a process carried out by the …
Lightbridge Corporation has demonstrated the manufacturing process for surrogate fuel rods for commercial-scale small modular reactors, using an internally developed and patented high-temperature coextrusion process. The six-foot (1.8 metre) length of the surrogate rods is typical of the fuel rods used by many small modular reactors now in the development and licensing phases, the Reston, Virginia-based …
The White House has indicated privately to lawmakers and stakeholders that it supports taxpayer subsidies to keep nuclear facilities from closing, Reuters reported on 5 May, citing “three sources familiar with the discussions”. New subsidies, in the form of “production tax credits,” could be included in President Joe Biden’s multi-trillion-dollar legislative effort to invest in …
Mining companies need to invest nearly $1.7 trillion in the next 15 years to help supply enough copper, cobalt, nickel and other metals needed for the shift to a low carbon world, according to consultancy Wood Mackenzie. The United States, Britain, Japan, Canada and others raised their targets on cutting carbon emissions to halt global …
The White House has signaled privately to lawmakers and stakeholders in recent weeks that it supports taxpayer subsidies to keep nuclear facilities from closing and making it harder to meet U.S. climate goals, three sources familiar with the discussions told Reuters. New subsidies, in the form of “production tax credits,” would likely be swept into …