China readying for nuclear expansion, says Zheng

The future of nuclear power in China is promising, Zheng Mingguang, Chief Engineer at China’s State Power Investment Corporation (SPIC) told World Nuclear Association’s Strategic eForum 2020yesterday. He believes both the use of large and small-scale reactors will find applications in China beyond just electricity generation. Speaking during the high-level panel Driving investment towards nuclear projects, …

Tianwan nuclear power plant’s unit 5 ready for commercial operation

Unit 5 at Tianwan nuclear power plant, developed by China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) and located in Lianyungang in East China’s Jiangsu province, successfully completed its full-power continuous operation assessment on Sept 8, meaning it now meets the conditions for commercial operation. To date, the number of nuclear power units in the service of CNNC …

Karachi nuclear power plant’s K-2 Unit completes thermal testing

The K-2 Unit of Karachi nuclear power plant in Pakistan, the first overseas unit using Hualong One technology, successfully completes hot functional tests on Sept 4. [Photo/official WeChat account of CNNC] The K-2 Unit of Karachi nuclear power plant in Pakistan, the first overseas unit to use Hualong One (HPR100) technology, successfully completed its hot …

Emirati Experts Key To The Successful Start-Up And Connection Of Unit 1 Of The Barakah Nuclear Energy Plant

UAE National professionals held key roles in every phase of the construction, testing, start-up and grid synchronization of Unit 1 at the Barakah Nuclear Energy Plant Since its inception in 2009, the UAE Peaceful Nuclear Energy Program has achieved countless milestones – now including two of its most historic accomplishments to date, the successful start-up …

Port at Padma river became fully operational on Rooppur NPP construction site (Bangladesh)

Freight water terminal located at Padma river became fully operational on Rooppur NPP construction site in Bangladesh (General Contractor — JSC “Atomstroyexport”, a company of Rosatom Engineering Division). The port is intended for receiving various process equipment for the construction and further operation of Nuclear Power Plant, including the delivery of fresh fuel and removal …

First reactor of Belarusian nuclear power plant loaded with fuel

All the nuclear fuel has been loaded into the first unit of the Belarusian nuclear power plant. Physical launch operations continue, BelTA learned from Vigen Marukhyan, Head of the Nuclear Safety Regulation Office of the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Department of the Belarusian Emergencies Ministry (Gosatomnadzor), on 20 August. According to the source, as of …

Permit to construct Egypt’s Dabaa Nuclear Power Station may be issued late in 2021

Chairman of the Nuclear Plants Agency Amgad al-Wakil told Egypt Today that the Egyptian Nuclear and Radiological Regulatory Authority (ENRRA) is expected to issue the permit to construct Dabaa Nuclear Power Station in the second half of 2021. Wakil pointed out that the agency applied for the permit on March 10, 2019, and that it …

Wylfa backers ready for quick restart on nuclear power plant

Backers of the £20bn Wylfa Newydd nuclear power plant on Anglesey are poised to restart work, as “detailed conversations” get underway with government. Horizon Nuclear Power chief executive Duncan Hawthorne has revealed that conversations with government about a new funding mechanism are ongoing. Enabling work at the site was suspended in January 2019 after Hitachi, …

Tianwan 5 achieves grid connection

Unit 5 of the Tianwan nuclear power plant in China’s Jiangsu province has been connected to the grid for the first time. The 1080 MWe domestically-designed ACPR1000 pressurised water reactor achieved the milestone at 19:52 local time on 8 August, China National Nuclear Corporation announced today. The unit, which achieved first criticality on 27 July, …