Study reveals an increase in the frequency of nuclear power outages caused by climate change

Past research suggests that climate change and energy systems have a bidirectional relationship. In other words, just like emissions from energy systems can fuel climate change, climate change could also expose the vulnerabilities or shortcomings of energy systems. For instance, climate change could adversely impact the operation of critical energy systems and infrastructure, potentially disrupting the provision of electricity. …

3rd-gen nuclear power unit starts in Liaoning as China accelerates carbon reduction

With the successful connection to the grid, the No. 5 unit of the Hongyanhe Nuclear Power Plant started operating on Friday in Dalian, Northeast China’s Liaoning Province, adding to China’s third-generation nuclear power industry, which has been on a fast track to achieve a carbon emissions peak by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060, analysts …

Why the government’s push to finally drop the ban on nuclear power in Australia could be one of the most important decisions in a generation

Barnaby Joyce, who supports nuclear power, became Nationals leader this week  Ministers have reportedly had discussions about lifting ban on nuclear energy  But Scott Morrison says nuclear needs bi-partisan support and Labor is opposed Supporters say nuclear is used safely in US and Europe to provide reliable power The federal government is reportedly considering a …

State senate still has yet to strike a deal to save Byron nuclear plant

Exelon says plant will close as planned without ‘quick passage of legislation’ SPRINGFIELD — The Illinois Senate failed to come up with a Clean Energy Bill this week, with environmentalists and labor leaders far apart on the negotiations. That means the future of the Byron Generating Station is still up in the air. “We are …

Hongyanhe 5 achieves first criticality

Unit 5 of the Hongyanhe nuclear power plant in China’s Liaoning province has attained a sustained chain reaction for the first time. The 1080 MWe domestically-designed ACPR1000 pressurised water reactor is expected to be connected to the grid later this year, after which it will enter commercial operation. The first pre-critical control point of Hongyanhe …

Fuel Cladding Failures at Nuclear Power Plants Explained

The China Atomic Energy Authority (CAEA) informed the IAEA yesterday that a minor fuel cladding failure  had occurred at the Taishan Nuclear Power Plant. What are fuel cladding failures, and what do they mean for safety? Read our explainer to find out. Nuclear power plants are designed with multiple back-up and diverse safety systems as part of …