The Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s Transformational Challenge Reactor Program hopes to bring nuclear power into the 21st century by deploying 3D printing and AI to design and produce reactor core technology. We find out more. Nuclear power is in the midst of a crisis. In 20 years, only one nuclear plant has been built in …
The IAEA and the Generation IV International Forum (GIF), an initiative involving 13 countries focused on next generation nuclear power technologies, called for greater efforts to support the early deployment of innovative nuclear reactor systems to address climate change. The appeal came during the annual 14th GIF-IAEA Interface Meeting, a gathering of senior IAEA officials …
This funding will unlock thousands of green jobs by developing the next generation of nuclear energy technology. The UK government today announced £40 million of funding to unlock thousands of green jobs by developing the next generation of nuclear energy technology. Part of this funding will support 3 Advanced Modular Reactor (AMR) projects, which are …
Avtomatika Concern, an affiliate of the Russian state-run corporation Rostec, has developed the Gipnoz (Hypnosis) robotic equipment control system to perform extreme tasks in the environment of radiation, high and low temperatures and poor visibility. The Hypnosis system uses artificial intelligence and virtual reality technologies, Rostec said on 3 July. The system can be used …
The provincial government unveiled its plans Wednesday to establish an office to co-ordinate nuclear policy and program work within the Climate Change and Adaptation Division of the Ministry of Environment. The new nuclear secretariat is mandated to develop and execute a strategic plan for the deployment of “clean-energy small modular reactors” in the province. No …
Nuclear reactor and fuel engineering company X-energy has announced that it will receive USD$6mn in funding from the US Department of Energy (DoE) Nuclear reactor and fuel engineering company X-energy has announced that it will receive USD$6mn in funding from the US Department of Energy (DoE). Led by a team with a diverse range of experience, including “engineering, policy, …
Investing in existing nuclear power plants, new nuclear build and supporting innovation in small modular reactors (SMRs) are among measures set out to support a broad range of clean energy technologies in an energy-focused COVID-19 economic recovery plan released today by the International Energy Agency (IEA). Its emphasis for nuclear investment, however, is on existing …
A joint venture has been formed between Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation (USNC) and Ontario Power Generation (OPG) to build, own and operate the proposed Micro Modular Reactor (MMR) project at the Chalk River Laboratories site. The joint venture – the Global First Power Limited Partnership – is owned equally by OPG and USNC-Power, the Canadian …
Unit 4 of the Beloyarsk nuclear power plant in Russia will be completely switched to uranium-plutonium MOX fuel in 2022, marking an important step towards closing the nuclear fuel cycle, Russia’s Rosatom has announced. The 789 MWe BN-800 fast neutron reactor is currently fuelled by a ‘hybrid core’ – a mix of uranium and plutonium …
Three MIT teams to explore novel ways to reduce operations and maintenance costs of advanced nuclear reactors. Nuclear energy is a low-carbon energy source that is vital to decreasing carbon emissions. A critical factor in its continued viability as a future energy source is finding novel and innovative ways to improve operations and maintenance (O&M) …