Federal funds announced for Saskatchewan SMR project

The Canadian government has approved CAD74 million (USD55 million) of federal funding for small modular reactor (SMR) development in Saskatchewan. The funding – including over CAD24 million from the proceeds of Canada’s pollution pricing system – will support work to advance the project led by utility SaskPower. In 2022, SaskPower selected GE-Hitachi’s BWRX-300 SMR for …

NRC completes Hermes environmental review

The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has completed its Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) on Kairos Power’s application for a construction permit for the Hermes demonstration molten salt reactor in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Based on their review, NRC staff have recommended that the permit should be issued. Kairos submitted its permit application in two parts, …

Nuclear is ‘bedrock’ of Duke’s energy roadmap

Duke Energy Carolinas and Duke Energy Progress have recommended extending the lives of their existing nuclear power plants as well as building two new small modular reactors (SMRs) by 2035 in an energy portfolio that offers the most prudent way forward for North and South Carolina.  A new Integrated Resource Plan filed with the Public Service Commission …

Approval sought for second large Polish nuclear power plant

PGE PAK Energia Jądrowa has submitted an application to Poland’s Ministry of Climate for a decision-in-principle on the construction of the nuclear power plant consisting of at least two Korean-supplied APR1400 reactors in the Patnów-Konin region of Wielkopolska province in central Poland. PGE PAK Energia Jądrowa SA is a 50/50 joint special purpose vehicle formed …

Virginia industrial park wants to power DCs with mini nuclear reactors, clean hydrogen

Green Energy Partners (GEP) has tapped IP3 International to help realize its dream of a massive datacenter campus in Virginia powered entirely by small modular nuclear reactors (SMRs) and hydrogen gas generators. The joint venture between the two companies will see the formation of a 641-acre industrial park located in Surry County, Virginia, called the Surry Green …

US regulator OKs SMR emergency preparedness rule

The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has directed its staff to issue a final rule and associated regulatory guide that applies risk-informed, performance-based emergency preparedness requirements to small modular reactors (SMRs) and other new technologies. The rule will come into effect 30 days after it is published in the Federal Register, which is expected to happen …

China’s nuclear plant investment to hit $31.80B

CHINA’S investment in new nuclear power plants is expected to hit 231 billion yuan ($31.80 billion) by 2025, Citic Securities said on Monday. The investment scale is coordinated with China’s development plan for the nuclear power sector, Lin Boqiang, director of the China Center for Energy Economics Research at Xiamen University, told the Global Times …

‘We need power:’ Georgia’s public service commissioner discusses spike in electric bill due to new reactor at Plant Vogtle

You may have noticed a jump in your electric bill recently. The weather definitely plays a role but it also has to do with Georgia Power’s recent rate hike. Georgia’s Public Service Commissioner says they’re using the money to pay for new nuclear reactors. That new reactor at Plant Vogtle went live at the very …