An EDF-led consortium has been awarded UK government funding to further develop plans to use heat and electricity from Heysham 2 to create hydrogen for use in the production of asphalt and cement. Earlier this year, a feasibility study demonstrated the significant benefit the project would bring in proving how nuclear could power hydrogen electrolysis. …
BWX Technologies Inc has been contracted by the Wyoming Energy Authority (WEA) to assess the viability of deploying microreactors in the state. The value of the contract was not disclosed. Lynchburg, Virginia-based BWXT said its BWXT Advanced Technologies LLC subsidiary will execute the two-year contract in close consultation with the State of Wyoming and other Wyoming …
Atomic power plants are in vogue again, sending prices higher for the radioactive element A renaissance for the nuclear-power industry has run into a problem: Prices have soared for the radioactive uranium required to fuel reactors in the decades ahead. New reactors have connected to the grid in the U.S., Asia and Europe, while the lifetime of existing …
European lawmakers bowed to pressure from France to allow nuclear power to be used for ammonia and hydrogen production in order to pass new legally binding targets to expand renewable energy development in the European Union. France’s own hefty nuclear power sector – which generates over 60% of the country’s electricity – is clearly a …
Ukraine’s Energoatom and the US firm Westinghouse have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) relating to the development and deployment of AP300 small modular reactors (SMRs) in Ukraine. The MoU was signed by Westinghouse CEO Patrick Fragman, seated left in the the picture above, and Energoatom President Petro Kotin. Ukraine’s Energy Minister Herman Halushchenko, standing …
The fate of the shuttered plant still hinges on financial support from the federal government. Holtec International and Wolverine Power Cooperative announced the signing of a long-term power purchase agreement that would allow the restart of the 800 MW Palisades nuclear plant in Covert Township, Michigan. Wolverine would purchase up to two-thirds of the power …
French nuclear group Orano is halting the processing of uranium ore at one of its facilities in Niger because international sanctions against the military junta are hampering logistics. The crisis that’s affecting the African nation, which has about 5% of the world’s uranium, may potentially tighten supplies of the material used to fuel nuclear reactors in the US, China and Europe. …
The French utility’s August nuclear power output in Britain was down 8.9% year on year at 3.0 TWh Nuclear power generation at EDF’s French reactors in August rose 32% year on year to 23.9 terawatt hours (TWh), the utility said. EDF’s website said that total nuclear generation in France since the start of the year …
Energoatom and ConverDyn have signed a confidentiality agreement and memorandum of understanding relating to uranium conversion which the Ukrainian company says can help the country towards a complete fuel cycle. The signings, by Energoatom President Petro Kotin and ConverDyn President Malcolm Critchley, took place in London last week. Kotin said the cooperation opened up an opportunity …
Bruce Power’s Unit 6 has been renewed and was connected to Ontario’s electricity grid today following its successful Major Component Replacement (MCR) outage to provide clean, reliable power to the province’s people, hospitals and businesses for decades to come. The Unit 6 MCR began in January 2020 and was completed ahead of schedule and on …