FRANKFURT (Reuters) – German power companies see a potential gap between conventional electricity supply and demand by the early 2020s, urging policymakers to help investors plan better by rewarding conventional capacity and speeding power grid expansion. “Existing overcapacity will not just disappear completely within a few years. What’s more worrying is that we will run …
Russia slowed moves on a sweeping proposal for anti-American economic retaliation unveiled by lawmakers last week, even as the U.S. plans another round of sanctions over the Kremlin’s backing of the Syrian government. “We will organize meetings with the business community, with companies,” Vyacheslav Volodin, speaker of the lower house of parliament, told reporters Monday, announcing the …
Nuclear power generation in France declined by 4.1 GW on Thursday as supply at multiple power stations along with two coal-fired units were slashed due to the start of a strike, grid operator RTE and plant operator EDF said. More than 4 GW of nuclear capacity unavailable Capacity at two Cordemais coal units at zero …
Finnish utility Teollisuuden Voima Oyj (TVO) said it plans to start loading fuel into the core of the Olkiluoto 3 (OL3) EPR in the autumn, once an operating licence has been granted. However, the company said it is awaiting confirmation from the Areva-Siemens consortium that start-up of the unit is still scheduled for May 2019. …
A governor who has been blocking the restart of the world’s biggest nuclear power plant in his prefecture has resigned, but it remains to be seen whether the move will create an opening for the nation’s pro-nuclear forces. Niigata Gov. Ryuichi Yoneyama, who campaigned on his opposition to restarting Tokyo Electric Power Co. Holding Inc.’s …
Regulator says adjustments, tests on reactor still to be done Plant’s handover to South Korea-backed operator almost ready A South Korean venture with the United Arab Emirates is edging closer to switching on the Arab world’s first commercial atomic-energy plant. Korea Electric Power Corp. has completed construction of the Barakah Unit 1 reactor, and Emirates Nuclear Energy Corp.’s …
Prague has always been big on upping the Czech Republic’s nuclear power capacity, but less so on how to finance it. As Brussels looks on with dread, Moscow may be about to ferment more discord on the EU’s eastern edges. Bucking trends in much of Europe, the Czech government has said recently it will announce within …
Escalating tensions between the U.S. and Russia could revive the uranium market just months after Cameco Corp shut down its largest uranium mine Just months after Saskatoon-based Cameco Corp. laid off hundreds of workers and shuttered the largest high-grade uranium mine in Canada, the market for the radioactive metal used in nuclear power generation is …
On his first visit to India, Rick Perry said India must look at “broad portfolio” of energy sources to deliver reliable electricity to its growing population and not just at affordability. US Energy Secretary Rick Perry said today that Westinghouse Electric Co is emerging out of bankruptcy and is now capable of delivering the planned …
If ever anyone wanted proof that lawmakers are the same the world over, look no further than politicians in the Russian Duma, who are threatening to impose sanctions on nuclear fuel exports to the US, in retaliation for the latest US sanctions on Russia imposed April 6. An article about the development has gotten so …