Ernest Moniz cautiously optimistic about global response to climate change

Ex-US secretary of energy believes Paris accord was key first step but not enough to address global warming There are grounds for optimism on the global response to climate change, though most countries are “off the pace” required to fulfil their obligations under the Paris agreement, according to former US secretary of energy Dr Ernest …

India makes climate change case for nuclear power, suggests promoting it

India has declared that nuclear energy is vital for meeting the challenge of climate change and suggested supporting efforts to promote its public acceptance amid growing opposition to nuclear power and plans by some countries to phase out their atomic generation plants. “Nuclear power remains an important option to meet the challenges of increased energy …

Canada Poised to Lead the Deployment of Next-Generation Nuclear Technology

The Government of Canada recognizes that innovation in the nuclear sector plays a critical role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and delivering good, middle-class jobs as Canada moves toward a low-carbon future. The Honourable Amarjeet Sohi, Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources, today welcomed the release of the Canadian Small Modular Reactor Roadmap, which he described …

Aging Tokai nuclear plant outside Tokyo cleared to restart

The nation’s nuclear watchdog on Nov. 7 formally approved a 20-year extension of the only nuclear reactor in the Tokyo metropolitan area, although local communities will have the final say on the restart. Operator Japan Atomic Power Co. will need the consent of the Ibaraki prefectural government, as well as six local municipalities, including the …

Third China Westinghouse AP1000 reactor ready for commercial operation

A Westinghouse-designed AP1000 nuclear reactor on China’s east coast is ready to go into commercial operation after completing a test run, the China National Nuclear Power Corp (CNNP) said. The second unit at Sanmen in Zhejiang province will be the third AP1000 reactor to go into commercial operation in China. It completed a 168-hour full-power …

Five groups may join Brazil’s Eletronuclear to complete power plant project

Five groups are considering whether to partner with Brazil’s state-controlled Eletronuclear to resume construction of nuclear power plant Angra III, already partially built by the government, newspaper Valor Econômico reported on Tuesday, citing unidentified sources. The foreign companies’ interest in the venture grew after a government agency raised the price of the energy produced at …