Production falloff could lead to a uranium market rebound

Two major players have made significant production cutbacks Denison Mines’ Wheeler River project could come online just as the market rebounds Wheeler’s Phoenix deposit could be the lowest cost uranium mining operation in the world The uranium market has significantly struggled since the Fukushima accident in 2011, which caused the nuclear power industry to retrench. …

Rosatom eyes supplying nuclear fuel for China’s new fast neutron reactor

Rosatom plans to produce and supply nuclear fuel for the construction of the Chinese CFR-600 fast-neutron reactor, the press service Rosatom fuel company Tvel reported on Thursday. “TVEL JSC and Chinese company CNLY (a part of CNNC corporation) have signed the contract for supply of nuclear fuel for CFR-600 fast-neutron reactor which is currently under …

Kenya Nuclear Electricity Board evaluates nuclear sites

The Kenya Nuclear Electricity Board is currently conducting a screening exercise for potential sites identified for the development of nuclear power plants in the East African country. The CEO Collins Juma revealed: “The board is in the process of selecting a qualified firm to develop terms of reference for site characterisation for nuclear power plants …

U.S. to Bill Gates: Build your scrapped China nuclear reactor in America

A top Trump administration official called on Bill Gates to work with the Energy Department on building an advanced nuclear reactor in America after the billionaire shelved plans to do so in China. Driving the news: Gates said late last year that his nuclear-energy company, TerraPower, won’t be building a pilot project in China due to restrictions the Energy …

Uranium supply expected to meet demand for years to come

Analysis by the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) has found that regardless of the role nuclear energy will play in meeting future electricity demand and global climate objectives, global supplies of Uranium are projected to meet world demand for the foreseeable future. The NEA reported its findings in the study, Uranium 2018: Resources, Production and Demand. The …