Ankara boosts energy cooperation with Beijing

Turkey and China are increasing their energy cooperation through a range of projects, Turkey’s Energy and Natural Resources Minister Fatih Dönmez told Anadolu Agency (AA) yesterday. Dönmez explained that in recent years Turkey and China made important energy investments, with one of the major projects being a nuclear power plant that has seen the undertaking …

First Barakah operators receive regulatory certification

The United Arab Emirates’ Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation (FANR) has officially certified Nawah Energy’s first group of operators for the Barakah nuclear power plant. Certification of operators is a key requirement for the issue of the plant’s operating licence. Certification of the 15 senior reactor operators and reactor operators, ensuring their competence to operate …

US federal funding granted for SSR technology development

Moltex Energy USA LLC has been awarded USD2.55 million of US federal funding to develop technologies that will be capable of shortening Stable Salt Reactor (SSR) construction timelines to under three years. The funding, from the US Department of Energy’s Advanced Research Project Agency-Energy (ARPA-E), will be used to develop composite structural technologies (COST) for …

Uranium and Its Uses

Uranium is a radioactive actinide metal that is widely known as the fuel for nuclear power plants. It is an atom with 92 protons and 92 electrons that melts at approximately 1132°C.[1] It was first discovered by a German chemist, Martin Heinrich Klaproth in 1789 in a mineral pitchblende. Although it is a metal, uranium is …

Rössing sale gets NaCC nod

THE Namibian Competition Commission has approved the N$1,5 billion Rössing Uranium mine acquisition by China National Uranium Corporation. In a statement released yesterday, the commission said they had approved the acquisition with conditions for China National Uranium Corporation (CNUC) to acquire the entire issued share capital of Rio Tinto Overseas Holding Limited, thus gaining control …