Jordan is planning to sign an agreement with Egypt to develop peaceful uses of nuclear energy and uranium production, Khaled Toukan, chairperson of the Jordanian Atomic Energy Commission told Daily News Egypt. Toukan, said that there have been meetings with officials of the Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority and the Nuclear Materials Authority over the past …
Population growth and increasing consumption rates, with its demand for energy and water, requires resorting to nuclear energy, Minister of Electricity Mohamed Shaker said during the opening of the fifth Arab Forum on the Prospects of Nuclear Power for Electricity Generation and Seawater Desalination, held in Cairo from December 1 to 4. Shaker said that …
South Africa is the only country on the African continent with nuclear power generation, but Russia is working to make nuclear power a reality for more African nations. Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke at a Russia-Africa summit in Sochi, Russia, in late October—attended by heads of state and government representatives from 55 countries—and said his …
A ceremony was held today to mark the installation of the reactor pressure vessel of the APR-1400 under construction as unit 5 of South Korea’s Shin Kori nuclear power plant. The 1340 MWe pressurised water reactor is scheduled to begin commercial operation in March 2023. “Reactor installation is the most important milestone of the entire …
The Canadian provinces of New Brunswick, Ontario and Saskatchewan have agreed to collaborate on the development and deployment of small modular reactors (SMRs) in a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed yesterday in Toronto. “Ontario, Saskatchewan and New Brunswick agreed today to work together to explore new, cutting-edge technology in nuclear power generation to provide carbon-free, …
As the push for green energy solutions grows, the first US pure play uranium exchange traded fund (ETF) is getting ready to launch. Trading under the symbol URNMX, the North Shore global uranium mining index will contain both miners and physical uranium holders. The newly formed ETF will focus largely on the junior miners within …
New Delhi: Minister of State for Atomic Energy Jitendra Singh said yesterday that India has signed a long term contract with Uzbekistan on 18 January 2019 for supply of 1,100 Metric Tons of natural uranium ore concentrates during the years 2022 to 2026. India has entered into similar agreements with overseas suppliers from various countries …
India’s State-run Uranium Corporation India Limited (UCIL) will develop the country’s largest uranium deposit, entailing an investment of about $845-million and forecast to yield 6 000 t/d of the element. The deposit at Kanampalli, in the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh, would be larger than UCIL’s existing uranium assets close-by at Tummalapalli and Turamdih, …
The UAE Ministry of Energy and Industry (MoEI) has opened the Emirates Nuclear Technology Center, at Khalifa University Campus in Abu Dhabi, UAE, which will support the long-term sustainability of the UAE Peaceful Nuclear Energy Program by creating a dedicated innovation hub for peaceful nuclear technologies. A Memorandum of Understanding was exchanged by His Excellency …
More than 300 residents, students and stakeholders attended a public forum organized by the Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC) at the Baynounah Educational Complex in Madinat Zayed, Abu Dhabi. The forum highlighted the strategic nature and national significance of the UAE Peaceful Nuclear Energy Program. It will provide safe, clean, reliable and efficient electricity for …