Russia Offers to Expand Nuclear Power in Africa

South Africa is the only country on the African continent with nuclear power generation, but Russia is working to make nuclear power a reality for more African nations. Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke at a Russia-Africa summit in Sochi, Russia, in late October—attended by heads of state and government representatives from 55 countries—and said his …

Greenhouse gas concentrations in atmosphere reach yet another high

Another year, another record Geneva, 25 November 2019 – Levels of heat-trapping greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have reached another new record high, according to the World Meteorological Organization. This continuing long-term trend means that future generations will be confronted with increasingly severe impacts of climate change, including rising temperatures, more extreme weather, water stress, …

US ending sanctions waiver for site where Iran resumed uranium enrichment

The United States is ending a sanctions waiver for civil-nuclear work at a site where Iran recently announced it was enriching uranium, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced Monday. “The United States will terminate the sanctions waiver related to the nuclear facility at Fordow effective Dec. 15, 2019,” Pompeo told reporters at the State Department. “The …

The Saskatchewan Mining Association (SMA) supports Saskatchewan’s Growth Plan, including their support of a globally competitive mining sector

The Saskatchewan Mining Association (SMA) supports Saskatchewan’s Growth Plan The Next Decade of Growth / 2020-2030, including their support of a globally competitive mining sector. “The mining sector continues to be a primary engine of growth for the Saskatchewan economy. By providing a stable framework for growth of the mining sector, Saskatchewan communities, residents and …

Saudi nuclear: talks ongoing with US to allow kingdom nuclear technology

A senior US official has confirmed that Washington is in talks with Riyadh about supporting Saudi Arabia’s planned nuclear programme. Speaking in Abu Dhabi on 26 October, US Energy Secretary Rick Perry Perry confirmed that talks were ongoing. Perry told the forum that Saudi Arabia’s leadership in Riyadh wanted to sign a ‘123 Agreement’ with …

President Trump nominates Dan Brouillette to be United States Secretary of Energy

Today, President Donald J. Trump formally nominated Dan Brouillette to serve as the next U.S. Secretary of Energy. Brouillette, current U.S. Deputy Secretary of Energy, would replace sitting Secretary Rick Perry if confirmed by the U.S. Senate. “It has been the opportunity of a lifetime to serve as Secretary of Energy. I have the utmost …