Shikoku Electric Power Co restarted a nuclear reactor in Ehime Prefecture, western Japan, on Thursday that had been offline since December 2019 due to regular checks and a subsequent court injunction. The utility rebooted the No. 3 reactor at the Ikata nuclear power plant after the reversal in March of an injunction handed down by …
Fennovoima’s opinion poll results show that support for the Hanhikivi 1 project has reached a new record. The project has a historically high 74 percent support in the plant site location Pyhäjoki and its surrounding municipalities. The Hanhikivi 1 project has received the highest score in its history in the latest opinion poll. According to …
It’s California’s last nuclear plant, destined to be mothballed in four years amid concerns that its closure could leave a gaping hole in the state’s power supply. Now the Biden administration is pushing the idea that PG&E’s Diablo Canyon power plant should stay open, after all. U.S. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, in an interview this …
The EU’s energy commissioner, Kadri Simson, called for a “gearshift on investments” in nuclear power in order to extend the lifetime of existing power plants and maintain current production levels until 2050. EURACTIV France reports. “The terms of the conversation around nuclear energy in Europe are changing,” according to the commissioner, who spoke on Tuesday (30 …
EDF announces the signature of several industrial cooperation agreements involving Czech, Polish, Indian, Saudi and French partners, in the context of the fourth edition of the World Nuclear Exhibition (WNE) that is taking place in Paris. The Group is actively engaged in the promotion of its unique nuclear reactor technology portfolio, services and know-how, highlighting …
Critics call small reactors an expensive and unrealistic ‘nuclear fantasy’ The Yukon government is looking for ways to reduce the territory’s emissions, and wondering if nuclear power is one way to go. The territory is undertaking a feasibility study, to determine whether there’s a future for SMRs — small modular reactors — as a low-emissions …
States viewing advanced nuclear as opportunity Historic opponents rethinking their objections States that were once wary about nuclear power are now mulling policies to move forward with it as a way to decarbonize the electric grid, reach emissions-free energy goals, and preserve jobs in communities with aging and shuttering coal plants. While 13 states have …
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – California may reconsider whether to close its last nuclear power plant as public support has grown for the low-carbon energy source, U.S. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm told Reuters on Tuesday. She added she was willing to eventually talk with state officials about keeping the Diablo Canyon plant open. The Biden administration has …
The coalition deal struck between three parties that will form Germany’s next government is very much in line with France’s own ambitions and priorities, including its vision of a more federal EU. EURACTIV France reports. The 24 November agreement between the Social Democrats (SPD), the Greens, and the liberal FDP, branded as “Dare for more progress …
We’ve heard these claims before. But the mounting scale of the climate and energy conundrum is fueling more money and favorable policies into atomic power. The worst nuclear accident since the 1986 Chernobyl disaster is a recent and painful memory in Japan. Yet in the lead-up to this month’s United Nations climate summit, newly elected Prime Minister Fumio …