The 2021 Performance Program of Turkey’s Energy and Natural Resources Ministry has drawn a road map for the completion of the country’s first nuclear power plant, the Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant (NPP), which says 27.5% of the plant will be completed by the end of this year. The program, which outlines the steps that will …
TEHRAN- Hadi Beiginejad, a senior member of the Parliament’s Energy Committee, said on Sunday that Iran has started construction of phases 2 and 3 of the Bushehr nuclear power plant. “The second and third phases of the Bushehr power plant development have been signed with the Russians under 10-year and 8-year contracts,” Fars quoted Beiginejad …
The Bulgarian Council of Ministers, at a meeting on 20 January, approved plans presented by the Minister of Energy to construct a seventh unit at the Kozloduy nuclear power plant using Russian-supplied equipment purchased for the Belene project. The minister noted discussions have been held with Westinghouse of the USA to construct the unit. During …
India’s success in connecting its largest domestically-built nuclear reactor to the grid is a boost for plans to deploy the technology to help the world’s third-biggest polluter limit emissions, according to the official overseeing the plans. The 700-megawatt pressurized heavy water reactor of the Kakrapar Atomic Power Station, located in the western state of Gujarat, …
Unit 1 of the nuclear power plant under construction in Belarus reached 100% of its capacity on 12 January, Russia’s Rosatom said yesterday. The reactor, near Ostrovets in the Grodno region of Belarus, is of the AES-2006 design, which is the latest version of the VVER-1200 and the first of its kind built outside Russia. …
The first safety-related concrete has been poured for the nuclear island of unit 1 at the San’ao nuclear power plant in Zhejiang province, China General Nuclear (CGN) has announced. A total of six Chinese-designed Hualong One pressurised water reactors are planned for the site. In May 2015, the National Energy Administration approved the project to …
Construction work has started on the second CFR-600 sodium-cooled pool-type fast-neutron nuclear reactor in Xiapu County, in China’s Fujian province. Also known as the Xiapu fast reactor demonstration project, the CFR-600 is part of China’s plan to achieve a closed nuclear fuel cycle. Construction of unit 1 started in late 2017. The fuel will be …
Italy’s Enel has announced that its subsidiary Enel Produzione and the Czech company Energetický a Průmyslový Holding (EPH) have agreed to a provide additional loans for the completion of Mochovce 3 and 4 in the Slovak Republic, and altered the terms for EPH to eventually buy out Enel’s stake in Slovenské elektrárne. They and EP …
On December 22, 2020 the pilot operation stage started at Belarus NPP power unit 1 of III+Gen with VVER-1200 reactor (ROSATOM’s Engineering Division is the General Designer and the General Contractor), as specialists started a gradual reactor power increase up to the rated power. A permit to proceed to this stage was issued by the …
– Testing of Barakah Unit 1 safely delivers 100% power to the UAE Grid, a new milestone in safe, clean and abundant clean energy to power the growth of the Nation – Unit 1 now single largest power generator in the UAE as it steps closer to commercial operations, due to begin early 2021. …