Norsk Kjernekraft focuses on off-grid SMR projects

Under a new business plan, Norwegian nuclear project developer Norsk Kjernekraft says it plans to construct off-grid small modular reactors in industrial areas where both reliable power and access to heat are needed. The company noted that estimates of future energy demand in Norway vary from 50 TWh to 233 TWh. However, it says the …

BN-1200 plans clear environmental hurdle

The Russian environmental regulator Rosprirodnadzor has approved the plans for a BN-1200M fast sodium reactor at the Beloyarsk nuclear power plant. According to Rosatom, Rosprirodnadzor said that its investigations showed that “there is no significant impact on the environment” and the project meets the requirements of environmental legislation. The response will be included in documents submitted to …

Uganda looks to potential uranium production

The Government of Uganda is hosting an International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Integrated Uranium Production Cycle Review mission as it reviews its potential to produce uranium to support its plans for 24,000 MWe of nuclear capacity. IAEA Integrated Uranium Production Cycle Review (IUPCR) missions are designed to assist IAEA member countries in the development of …

Canada’s nuclear ‘renaissance’ prompts Ontario factory expansion

 After a brief period of fluctuating support, opens new tab, Canada’s federal government is throwing its full backing behind the nuclear industry, announcing life extensions, opens new tab at major plants, billions of dollars in planned investment, and granting nuclear a key position in the latest federal budget. The industry’s re-birth has been especially pronounced in the province …

Polish ministry approves plans for Rolls-Royce SMRs

Polish industrial group Industria’s plan to construct a power plant based on Rolls-Royce’s small modular reactor (SMR) has been approved by the Ministry of Climate and Environment. Industria submitted its application for a decision-in-principle in December last year to Polish Climate and Environment Minister Paulina Hennig-Kloska. The application concerns the construction of a nuclear power …

Bill Gates To Be In Kemmerer For Groundbreaking Of TerraPower’s Nuclear Plant

Billionaire Bill Gates plans to visit Kemmerer next month for the groundbreaking ceremony of TerraPower’s nuclear reactor project, the company’s president said Wednesday. Gates has spent more than $1 billion of his own money on the project so far. Billionaire Bill Gates, who is among the richest people in the world, plans to visit Kemmerer …

Authorisation issued for Flamanville EPR commissioning

France’s nuclear regulator has authorised the commissioning of the Flamanville EPR reactor, which has a summer 2024 target for connection to the grid. The authorisation from the Autorité de Sûreté Nucléaire (ASN) means EDF can now load nuclear fuel into the reactor and carry out start-up tests and then operation of the reactor. The decision follows a …

Data Centers Now Need a Reactor’s Worth of Power, Dominion Says

Data center developers in Northern Virginia are asking utility Dominion Energy Inc. for as much power as several nuclear reactors can generate, in the latest sign of how artificial intelligence is helping drive up electricity demand. Dominion regularly fields requests from developers whose planned data center campuses need as much as “several gigawatts” of electricity, …