For the first time in more than a decade, a narrow majority of Japanese now support restarting idled nuclear reactors, according to a poll in the country’s top business newspaper. The survey result marks the first time since the Fukushima disaster in 2011 that an increasing role for nuclear has been favored. It comes amid …
With the first pour of concrete for a 700 MW atomic power plant in Karnataka’s Kaiga scheduled in 2023, India is set to put in motion construction activities for 10 ‘fleet mode’ nuclear reactors over the next three years. The first pour of concrete (FPC) signals the beginning of construction of nuclear power reactors from …
Unit 6 of the China National Nuclear Cooperation’s Fuqing nuclear power plant, the second unit of the Hualong One demonstration project, became ready for commercial operation on March 25, meaning that the Hualong One demonstration project has been completed and put into commercial operation. This is one of the major achievement in China’s nuclear power …
– Unit 2 adds a further 1,400 MW zero-carbon emissions electricity capacity to the UAE’s transmission grid bringing the total produced by Units 1 and 2 to 2,800 megawatts. – Barakah is now halfway towards its goal of providing 25% of the UAE’s electricity needs through clean electricity whilst rapidly decarbonizing the Nation’s power sector The …
Nucleoeléctrica Argentina has signed a contract with China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) to provide technical assistance to support retubing work as part of the refurbishment of China’s Qinshan nuclear power plant. The Argentinean company said it is drawing on experience gained during work to extend the operating life of the Embalse nuclear power plant. Retubing …
After recently completing planned maintenance activities, Bruce Power’s Unit 1 is now capable of producing even more reliable, carbon-free electricity for the families and businesses of Ontario. Unit 1’s maximum net capability has been raised by 6 Megawatts (MW) to 821 MW, and the unit is now capable of powering about 820,000 Ontario homes and …
Darlington refurbishment project passes midway point In 2016, after years of detailed planning and preparation, OPG’s team of project partners, industry experts, energy professionals, and skilled tradespeople successfully shut down the first of four Darlington reactors scheduled for refurbishment over the subsequent 10 years. Today, the Darlington refurbishment project continues to track for completion by …
Wylfa on Anglesey could get three new nuclear reactors as the Prime Minister is said to be ‘enthusiastic’ about accelerating plans in order to reach the UK’s future net-zero targets and close an energy black hole. US nuclear company Westinghouse has put together a consortium with construction group Bechtel to revive plans for two nuclear …
Belgium on Friday delayed by a decade a plan to scrap nuclear energy in 2025, spooked by the huge rise in energy prices due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. “The federal government has decided to take the necessary steps to extend the life of two nuclear reactors by ten years,” Prime Minister Alexander De …
The Director General of the Nigerian Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NNRA), Yau Idris, said that agreements had been signed with a number of other countries’ regulators as plans proceed for a proposed four unit plant. Speaking at the Nigerian International Energy Summit in Abuja earlier this month, Idris said that Nigeria had had a small nuclear …