ENEC completes significant pre-operational testing for last unit of Barakah Nuclear Energy Plant

By 2025, the Barakah Plant is forecast to be the largest contributor to cutting Abu Dhabi Emirate’s power and water sector carbon emissions by 50% and generating over 85% of Abu Dhabi’s clean electricity The Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC) has successfully completed the Hot Functional Testing (HFT) on Unit 4, the last of its four …

Holtec submits USD7.4bn SMR programme to federal loan programme

Holtec says it wants to build its first SMR-160 small modular reactors (SMRs) for a four-unit power plant in the USA and to establish a “supersize factory to manufacture SMR-160s”, saying that the “first mover state will become the leader in the emerging industry”.   The application for the second part of the loan comes …

Nuclear reactor in Takahama to go back online on July 26

Kansai Electric Power Co. will resume generating and transmitting electricity at the No. 3 reactor at the Takahama nuclear power plant on July 26, the company announced on July 19. The company had said the timing of resuming operations was undecided after a regular inspection that started in March discovered damage to heating tubes at the nuclear reactor …

Shin Hanul 1 in test operation

Unit 1 of the Shin Hanul nuclear power plant entered test operation on 15 July, South Korea’s Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE) announced. The unit – the first of four APR-1400 reactors at the site – is scheduled to enter commercial operation in September. The announcement came as the 2nd Vice Minister of …

Construction starts on third Haiyang unit

Workers pouring concrete into the reactor building’s foundation raft (Image: SNERDI) The first safety-related concrete has been poured for the nuclear island of unit 3 at the Haiyang nuclear power plant, the Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research and Design Institute (SNERDI) has announced. It marks the official start of construction of the first of two CAP1000 …