Maritime’s net-zero ambitions re-energise discussion around nuclear energy

The emergence of new advanced modular reactors and new vessel concepts has elevated nuclear power as a viable option for the production of green fuels Over the last few years, the conversation around nuclear power has grown, intensified by societal pressures to meet climate agreement goals and underpinned by advancements in small modular reactors (SMRs) …

Joint NASEO, NARUC report suggests nuclear options amid coal closures

As the U.S. energy industry moves further from coal as a resource, many options have arisen as replacements, but a new report from the National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO) and the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC), backs nuclear repowering. According to “Coal to Nuclear Repowering: Considerations for State Energy Offices and …

Romanian President leads visit to Doosan SMR production facilities

Romania plans a small modular reactor power plant, using NuScale technology, with South Korea’s Doosan Enerbility set to manufacture and supply the core equipment, including the upper reactor module. Romania’s SMR project is aiming for 462 MWe installed capacity, using six 77 MWe NuScale modules. The SMR project, at Doicesti where a thermal power plant will be …

NRC proposes technology-neutral approach for new reactor licensing

The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is seeking public comment on a proposed rulemaking that would streamline the environmental reviews for future new nuclear reactors by presenting generic environmental impacts for those designs that fit within certain site and plant parameters. The proposed Advanced Nuclear Reactor Generic Environmental Impact Statement (ANR GEIS) rulemaking, if finalised, …

A nuclear reactor in Carlsbad? Local leaders call for atomic energy at repository site

Carlsbad, New Mexico A modular nuclear reactor was the project of choice for local business leaders in Carlsbad as the U.S. Department of Energy worked to decide how 9,000 unused acres at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant site could be repurposed for “clean energy.” The project was part of the DOE’s “Clean Up to Clean Energy” initiative to …

Independent Commission determines environmental assessment for Ontario Power Generation’s Darlington New Nuclear Project is applicable to the selected reactor technology

Today, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) announced the Commission’s decision that the existing environmental assessment (EA) for the Darlington New Nuclear Project (DNNP) is applicable to the reactor technology selected by Ontario Power Generation (OPG), the General Electric Hitachi BWRX‑300 reactor. The Commission further concluded that it had fulfilled its constitutional responsibility to consult …

Surging demand growth spurs openings for advanced nuclear, grid technologies: DOE’s Crane

Inflation Reduction Act and infrastructure law funding are supporting new technologies, he said, but the “missing link” is permitting reform. The electric demand growth outlook has shifted, with data centers now expected to drive a surge in demand. This abrupt change is creating one of the biggest challenges facing the power sector, and advanced nuclear …

Heading into the Future: City of Nome Explores Sustainable Energy with Nuclear Microreactors

As Nome stands on the precipice of significant economic transformation, with plans for a massive port expansion already underway, the community is faced with another pivotal decision— whether or not to embrace nuclear microreactors as a part of its future energy strategy. While these projects promise economic growth and opportunities, they also bring challenges and …