Study reveals an increase in the frequency of nuclear power outages caused by climate change

Past research suggests that climate change and energy systems have a bidirectional relationship. In other words, just like emissions from energy systems can fuel climate change, climate change could also expose the vulnerabilities or shortcomings of energy systems. For instance, climate change could adversely impact the operation of critical energy systems and infrastructure, potentially disrupting the provision of electricity. …

Economic groups regard S. Korea’s energy transition roadmap as excessive

SEOUL — A draft road map presented by a special presidential committee contained a broad national goal to achieve net-zero carbon dioxide emissions by 2050 in response to a global agenda for fighting climate change. Economic groups acknowledged the need for specific action plans but opposed any radical steps that could undermine the competitiveness of …

T.DML Reports Results from Q2 2021

Denison Mines Corp. (‘Denison’ or the ‘Company’) (TSX: DML) (NYSE American: DNN) today filed its Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements and Management’s Discussion & Analysis (‘MD&A’) for the quarter ended June 30, 2021. Both documents will be available on the Company’s website at or on SEDAR (at and EDGAR (at The highlights provided below are derived from these documents …

T.DML Provides Interim Progress Update on ISR Field Test Activities and Announces Discovery of Additional High-Grade Uranium Mineralization at Phoenix

Denison Mines Corp. (“Denison” or the “Company”) (TSX: DML) (NYSE American: DNN) is pleased to provide a progress update on the In-Situ Recovery (“ISR”) field test activities occurring at Phase 1 of the high-grade Phoenix uranium deposit (“Phoenix”) at the Company’s 90% owned Wheeler River Uranium Project (“Wheeler River” or the “Project”). The Company is also pleased to …

IAEA Director General Highlights Achievements, Sees Evolving Safeguards Regime for Members of Brazilian-Argentine Nuclear Verification Agency

The Brazilian-Argentine verification agency ABACC is a great achievement that brought transparency to both countries’ nuclear programmes, which have since grown significantly and would benefit from a commensurate safeguards approach, IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi said at an event to mark the 30th anniversary of the institution in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Created in …

Capito, Whitehouse, Barrasso, Booker, Crapo introduce legislation to preserve and expand America’s nuclear energy sector

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), Ranking Member of the Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee, along with Senators Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), Cory Booker (D-N.J.), and Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) reintroduced the American Nuclear Infrastructure Act (ANIA), which would improve the nation’s nuclear infrastructure, secure America’s uranium supply chain, grow the …

T.U and Sprott Asset Management Announce Closing Date for Arrangement

Uranium Participation Corporation (TSX: U) (“UPC”) and Sprott Asset Management LP (“Sprott Asset Management”), announced today that, following the satisfaction of the conditions to closing, UPC has filed articles of arrangement under the Business Corporations Act (Ontario) and a certificate of arrangement was issued in connection with the previously announced plan of arrangement involving UPC, Sprott Asset …