home Existing Fleet, U Spain’s 1 GW Trillo nuclear power plant gets 10-year license renewal

Spain’s 1 GW Trillo nuclear power plant gets 10-year license renewal

Spain’s Nuclear Safety Council (CSN) has approved the extension of the operating license of the 1,000 MW (1,066 MW gross) Trillo nuclear power plant for a 10-year period. The Trillo nuclear power plant is located in the province of Guadalajara (Spain) and is set to celebrate 40 years of operation in 2028, when it will enter into Long-Term Operation (LTO) status. The operator has complied with all the proposed safety requirements issued by the CSN and after a thorough review of the plant’s safety conditions, the board approved the plant’s long-term operation until 2034. Additionally, the Council reported favourably on the radioactive waste and spent fuel management plan associated with the plant’s LTO and on the request for renewal of the physical protection authorisation submitted by the operator of Trillo.

The Trillo Nuclear Power Plant is owned by the Spanish electricity companies Iberdrola Generación Nuclear (49%), Gas Natural Fenosa Generación (34.5%), Iberenergía (15.5%) and Endesa Generación (1%). In 2019, the MITECO announced plans to close all nuclear power plants between 2027 and 2035.

Source: EnerData