home Existing Fleet, U French nuclear production up nearly 50% in September

French nuclear production up nearly 50% in September

Nuclear power generation at EDF’s French reactors in September rose 47.8% year on year to 26.9 terawatt hours (TWh), the utility said.

EDF’s website said total nuclear generation in France since the start of the year was 233 TWh, up 11.4% from the same period last year thanks to optimisation and control of the maintenance schedule for reactors at risk of stress corrosion.

The operator also said in an online note that its nuclear production expectations were unchanged, with total production in 2023 still seen at 300-330 TWh and 315-345 TWh in 2024

The French utility’s September nuclear power output in Britain was up 13.4% year on year at 3.6 TWh. Total generation in Britain since the start of the year was at 27.9 TWh, down 15.9% from the same period last year.

Source: Nasdaq