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Egypt’s massive nuclear plant at Dabaa on schedule for completion

Egypt’s Dabaa nuclear power plant is on track to meet its original schedule, according to a senior government official.

Progress is being made on the plant, which has a capacity of 4,800 megawatts, and it is expected to be completed between 2028 and 2031.

Mohamed Shaker, Egypt’s Minister of Electricity and Renewable Energy, said that the nuclear project aligns with the country’s ongoing energy transition.

Over the past nine years, Egypt has witnessed significant transformation with the addition of numerous power stations nationwide.

During this period, power generation has experienced a substantial boost, with the addition of 29,000 megawatts, bringing the country’s total power production capacity to 56,000 megawatts.

Egypt is currently working on six renewable energy projects with a combined capacity of 2,500 megawatts, amounting to an investment of $4.4 billion.

In addition to its progress in renewable energy, Egypt has emerged as a key hub for electrical interconnection.

The implementation of the electrical interconnection project between Egypt and Saudi Arabia aims to facilitate energy exchange between the two nations, with a total cost of $1.8 billion.

Source: Utilities