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German nuclear power extension wins Green minister’s endorsement

German Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck speaks during the German-Czech Economic Forum in Prague, Czech Republic, October 17, 2022. REUTERS/David W Cerny

Economy Minister Robert Habeck on Tuesday endorsed the decision of Chancellor Olaf Scholz to use his executive authority to settle a long-running row within the coalition over extending the life of Germany’s three remaining nuclear power stations.

Robert Habeck’s Greens, opponents of nuclear power, wanted two plants kept running until April, while the business-friendly Free Democrats wanted an extension involving all three plants. On Monday, Scholz, a Social Democrat, ordered that all three should be kept going until April at the latest.

“We have a plan and it seems good,” said Habeck of the decision, made in response to concerns that Germany could face power shortages this winter without the supplies of Russian gas on which its economy has relied.

Habeck said Scholz’s decision had offered a political solution and although it was unusual, it was not a scandal for the chancellor to have an opinion and authority that he exercised.

Source: Reuters