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Japan’s nuclear drumbeat quickens as public demands energy fix

Japan’s power generation mix, nuclear fleet

This analysis is by Bloomberg Intelligence Senior Industry Analyst Henik Fung and Associate Analyst Chia Cheng Chen. It appeared first on the Bloomberg Terminal.

The energy equivalent of a Greek chorus is beating the drums for Japan to fire up its nuclear plants, with public support rising to 60% for the first time since Fukushima in 2011. Power shortages and soaring costs have policymakers dusting off the atomic reactors in the push for steady supply. Uranium demand can gain at coal and LNG’s expense.

Summer power trauma fast-tracks Reactors’ restart

Japan is expediting the restart of seven idle nuclear reactors that have already met new safety standards as it scrambles to avert a repeat of this year’s power crunch. Public support in Japan for a nuclear kick-start has hit 60% for first time since the 2011 Fukushima mishap, according to one measure. Japan’s onerous summertime power crisis could fast-track more reactors into operation, putting the country within reach of its 2030 target of 20% power generation from nuclear.

Ten of Japan’s remaining 33 idle reactors have restarted since 2011. Another seven are set to fire up in 2023, bringing total operating nuclear capacity as high as 16.3 gigawatts (GW). Another eight to 10 reactors are under review for restart before 2030, which would boost total capacity to 27 GW.

Source: Bloomberg