Milestones At Vogtle Includes 71-Hour Concrete Pour

Georgia Power on Friday touted continued progress continues at the Vogtle nuclear expansion site near Waynesboro, Georgia with recent latest milestones achieved over the past week including a 71-hour continues concrete pour the company deemed a “super placement.” Workers on site also managed the latest heavy lift at the site involving the placement of a 237-ton CA03 …

A.BMN: Etango’s long term tenure secured by Retention Licence

PERTH, Australia, Oct. 02, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bannerman Resources Limited (ASX:BMN) (NSX:BMN) (“Bannerman” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that the Namibian Ministry of Mines and Energy has granted a Mineral Deposit Retention Licence with a five year extendable term (Retention Licence) over Bannerman’s 95% owned Etango Uranium Project. Bannerman’s Chief Executive Officer, …

T.NXE: Infill Results Expand the Arrow Deposit

VANCOUVER, Oct. 2, 2017 /CNW/ – NexGen Energy Ltd. (“NexGen” or the “Company”) (TSX:NXE, NYSE:NXE) is pleased to report radioactivity results for 22 holes as part of the on-going summer drilling program on our 100% owned, Rook I property, Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan.  An additional diamond drill rig was brought into operation to assess the recently discovered South Arrow zone, which is …

Japan’s Kashiwazaki Kariwa 6 & 7 Clear Safety Exams

At its regular meeting on September 27, the Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) of Japan approved draft review reports concerning the Kashiwazaki Kariwa-6 and -7 Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs, ABWRs, 1356MWe each) owned by the Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) in Niigata Prefecture. The power company is working toward the restart of the reactors It was …

Government likely to sign Dabaa nuclear power plant deal in October

The Egyptian presidency has studied the possibility of signing the contracts for Dabaa nuclear power plant along with the opening ceremony of opening new Alamein city in October 2017, anonymous sources in the Egyptian government said on Wednesday. The sources added that the ministries of Housing and Investment will celebrate with the 75th anniversary of …

V.PLU: Announces Proposed Non-Brokered Private Placement

TORONTO, ONTARIO–(Marketwired – Sept. 29, 2017) – Plateau Uranium Inc. (“Plateau Uranium” or the “Company”) (PLU)(otcqb:PLUUF)(frankfurt:QG1) announced today that it intends to proceed with a non-brokered private placement of units (“Units”) to raise gross proceeds of up to C$1,800,000 (subject to the right to increase the size of the financing if demand is sufficient) (the “Financing”). …

V.PTU: Announces Plans to Continue 2017 Drilling at Hook Lake

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Toronto, Ontario – September 28, 2017 – Purepoint Uranium Group Inc. (the “Company” or “Purepoint”) (TSX:PTU.V) today provided an update on their Hook Lake project drill plans for the remainder of 2017.  Residing within the Patterson Uranium District, the Hook Lake JV is a project owned jointly by Cameco Corp. (39.5%), AREVA …