Last year, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) presented two possible scenarios for global nuclear power capacity up to 2050. One was a ‘high’ projection, in which capacity nearly doubles over ten years, and the other a ‘low’ projection, where capacity decreases markedly. Heidi Vella explores the scenarios side by side to see which is …
MOSCOW, January 10. /TASS/. Atomredmedzoloto (ARMZ), an affiliate of the mining division of the Russian state nuclear corporation Rosatom, maintained uranium mining in Russia in 2017 at the level of 3,000 tonnes, similarly to 2016, the company said on Wednesday. “ARMZ completely delivered the annual plan of strategic feedstock supplies for the nuclear industry, keeping …
Russia is ready to offer several options for financing the nuclear power plant construction project in Uzbekistan, Sputnik news agency reported citing a source. According to the source, presently, the Uzbek government is working out a detailed proposal for the construction of the nuclear power plant and estimation of possible investments. “This is a political …
When weighing up the pro’s and con’s of coal, solar and wind energy, there is always one alternative that seems to get swept under the rug – nuclear energy. The Minerals Council of Australia will today reinvigorate the debate over nuclear power. In a pre-budget submission to Scott Morrison, the council is urging the government to take …
The visit will be Nursultan Nazarbayev’s first under the presidency of Donald Trump. Next week, Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev will meet with U.S. President Donald Trump at the White House. On January 16, a White House statement said, the two leaders, “will discuss ways to strengthen and enhance our strategic partnership on regional security issues and …
Are there countries in the world that use nuclear energy to provide more than 50% of their electricity? France is the only country that went much above 50% nuclear, achieving 75% of electricity from nuclear. It’s given it a long-term headache that will only be resolved in a few more decades as the reactors age out …
In 1947, for a nation that was recently independent and had critical energy issues nuclear power seemed to the answer to all problems. It was billed as environment friendly and a technological boon. The steps towards the nuclear age had started right after independence itself when in 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) was set …
Egypt is taking its nuclear energy effort out of the deep freeze. On December 11, 2017, during Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to Cairo, the two countries signed a nuclear agreement that reflects a convergence of their interests: Russia would like to return to its position as the dominant power in the Middle East, and …
The new report from Energy & Natural Resources Market Reports has been published today. It provides updated in 2018 year analysis of energy & natural resources industries. Kazakhstan is situated in an unstable region, bordering weak Central Asian republics such as Uzbekistan and near war-torn Afghanistan. Kazakhstan has a major plant making nuclear fuel pellets and aims …
By Yoon Ja-young The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has shown full satisfaction with nuclear reactors currently being built there by Korean companies and suggested that Korea and the UAE cooperate to jointly win nuclear power projects in other countries, Korea’s energy minister said Tuesday. Trade, Industry, and Energy Minister Paik Un-gyu and Khaldoon Khalifa Al-Mubarak, …