PARIS, Dec 15 (Reuters) – French state-controlled utility EDF on Friday again revised downwards its 2017 nuclear output forecasts for 2017 that because of reactor outages in past weeks. EDF said nuclear output would be slightly below the target range of 383-387 terawatt-hours (TWh) it gave in October. In a statement, however, the group confirmed …
Opponents claim that pyro-processing and SFR technology are on the decline and have numerous economic and safety limitations A pyro-processing and sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR) research and development project that was created by the South Korean atomic energy community for the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel is being reexamined.The Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIP) …
AMMAN — The Jordan Atomic Energy Commission (JAEC) and the Russian State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to examine the possibility of exploiting the Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) produced by the Russian corporation within Jordan’s peaceful nuclear programme, the Jordan News Agency, Petra, reported on Saturday. The MoU was …
HIROSHIMA – The Hiroshima High Court on Wednesday revoked a lower court decision and ordered the suspension of a nuclear reactor at Shikoku Electric Power Co.’s Ikata power plant in Ehime Prefecture, dealing a blow to the government and utilities that are aiming to bring more reactors back online. The high court suspension order — the …
A decision on whether to complete two new nuclear reactors at Plant Vogtle has been moved up from February to next week, the chairman of the Public Service Commission said Monday. Commissioner Stan Wise said it will decide Dec. 21 after he received a request from Georgia Power Company to move the decision to this …
Construction of the Akkuyu nuclear power plant under a limited license began in Turkey on Sunday, TASS reported from the site. The ceremony was in Mersin. It featured Rosatom’s head Alexei Likhachev, and Turkey’s First Deputy Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Fatih Donmez. The limited license is the first permission, which Rosatom received in October. Under …
A possible active fault beneath the Tomari nuclear power plant in Hokkaido could prolong the government’s screening process for a restart and deal a major financial blow to Hokkaido Electric Power Co., the plant’s operator. On Dec. 8, the Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) did not accept the assertion of Hokkaido Electric Power that no active …
Zoltan Ban Summary Kazakhstan’s move to cut uranium production is widely seen as an attempt to lift prices ahead of privatization. There is reason to believe that it is rather an uncommon decision to preserve a resource, keeping in mind the probability of it being more valuable in the future. Uranium reserves and production patterns …
EXCLUSIVE TO SOURCELINE U3O8 – Since 2007, U3O8 prices have largely been moving in one direction – down. With long-term and spot prices languishing at 12-year lows, the uranium sector has been struggling over the past few years. Many analysts will cite uranium underfeeding and the subsequent sale of additional enriched uranium on the spot …
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) – South Africa plans to push ahead with its nuclear expansion plan but will now do so at a slower pace because there has been a fall in demand for electricity owing to a struggling economy, energy minister David Mahlobo said on Thursday. South Africa has the continent’s only nuclear power station and …