S&P says coal and nuclear plants closures to boost prices Market volatile due to increased renewables EDF, Fortum, Verbund Statkraft, Uniper to gain European wholesale electricity prices could soar by around 30% by 2025 due to a recovery in gas and carbon emissions prices and the planned phase out of some coal and nuclear power …
Lobo Tiggre, CEO of Louis James LLC, talked to INN on the sidelines of the 45th annual New Orleans Investment Conference. All good things come to an end was the sentiment expressed by Lobo Tiggre, CEO of Louis James LLC, when the Investing News Network spoke with him on the sidelines of the 45th annual …
Uranium markets have been struggling for several years, and industry commentators have been saying for awhile now that the recovery is coming. But just how close is it? From $US140 highs in 2007, prices shrunk due to the GFC and Japan’s Fukushima disaster and the industry struggled. Uranium prices 2007-2019 (Pic: Bloomberg) In 2019, there …
The world’s first prototype of a high-power research reactor driven by a particle accelerator is taking shape with the contribution of Tractebel nuclear and urban experts. A First agreement worth 7,6 million euros for the design of buildings and utilities was signed on November 5. On November 5, the first agreement for the implementation of …
Canada-based uranium producer Cameco (TSX: CCO) has tipped higher revenue and a slightly higher realised price for its key commodity as it swung to a loss in its September quarter results. Its net loss was C$13 million (US$9.9 million) or 3c per share, compared with earnings of $28 million (US$21.3 million) and 7c respectively a …
Dual-listed Cameco remains on track to achieve its guidance for the full-year and has increased its revenue target for the year. According to CEO and president Tim Gitzel, the uranium company continues to demonstrate its resilience. During the third quarter, ended September 30, Cameco continued to deliver on its strategy, and further strengthened its balance sheet …
By now, more Japanese have died from the closing of Japan’s nuclear power plants following the 2011 Tohoku quake than from the tsunami and the earthquake combined, which was about 20,000 people. Of course, no one has died from any radiation released from the reactor, and no one ever will. There just wasn’t enough dose …
Saudi Arabia is in talks with five vendors, including US-based Westinghouse, to build its first nuclear power plant with two reactors, according to an energy ministry presentation. The other companies in the discussions are France’s EDF, Russia’s Rosatom, South Korea’s KEPCO and China National Nuclear Corp, according to the presentation, shown Wednesday at the Future …
The minister yesterday released an audit of the construction of the Flamanville 3 EPR, conducted by former PSA Group chief Jean-Martin Folz. Construction work began in December 2007 on the 1650 MWe unit at the Flamanville site in Normandy. The EPR reactor was originally expected to start commercial operation in 2013 and cost EUR3.3 billion …
The Philippines will prepare a detailed plan for the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on how it could embark on a nuclear power programme, its energy chief said on Wednesday, backing a push for the country to tap nuclear energy. “We are set to meet with the IAEA next month to discuss further collaboration efforts,” …