Momentum Builds For Nuclear Power With Referendum Approved In Taiwan And “Pride Fest” in Germany

Hours after pro-nuclear activists from Europe and the United States rallied in Germany to protest that nation’s replacement of nuclear plants with fossil fuels, Taiwan’s electoral commission gave the green light to a November referendum on the future of nuclear power “We are overjoyed,” said Taiwanese pro-nuclear leader, Shih-hsiu Huang. “If we win, we will immediately …

In Wake Of Terrifying Climate Report, German Environmentalists Will, In A Twist, Rally For Nuclear

In the wake of a “terrifying” new report on climate change, environmentalists will rally in Munich, Germany this Sunday to — in a twist — demand a halt to nuclear plant closures, which they say are increasing air pollution and locking-in fossil fuels. Over the last year, environmentalists have faulted Germany for abandoning its 2020 climate goals, bulldozing an ancient …

Electric Cars May Make French Power Demand Rise Again, EDF Says

The French government could be wrong to assume that power demand will stagnate or decline because electric cars could boost consumption, according to the boss of the country’s largest utility. The cautious view would be to plan for a “slight” increase in power demand, Electricite de France SA Chief Executive Officer Jean-Bernard Levy said at a …

President Trump Signs Bill to Boost Advanced Nuclear in America

President Donald Trump signed into a law new legislation that will speed up the development of advanced reactors in the United States. The Nuclear Energy Innovation Capabilities Act (NEICA) eliminates some of the financial and technological barriers standing in the way of nuclear innovation. It also represents a strong commitment by the government to support the commercial …