Uganda to use its uranium deposits for nuclear power

Russia and Uganda have agreed to work together in the field of nuclear energy, the Russian nuclear agency Rosatom said Wednesday. This comes as Moscow seeks to strengthen its influence in Africa. State-owned Russian companies have been key part of the strategy to bolster Moscow’s presence in Africa. President Yoweri Museveni is seeking to use …

Uranium Week: Ups And Downs

The importance of nuclear energy for the transition toward a clean and affordable energy system was highlighted at the 24th World Energy Congress in Abu Dhabi this week, industry consultant TradeTech reports. During a nuclear industry panel, Mohamed Al Hammadi, CEO of Emirates Nuclear Energy Corp, noted that nuclear technologies are “proven, economically viable, safe, …

Disputing colleague, new Japan minister calls no-nukes policy ‘unrealistic’

Ridding Japan of nuclear power completely is unrealistic, the new industry minister said on Thursday, toeing the government’s line but contradicting comments made a day earlier by the new environment minister. “There are risks and fears about nuclear power,” industry and trade minister Isshu Sugawara told reporters a day after his appointment by Prime Minister …

Nuclear power is the ‘silent giant’ being invited finally to speak

The United Nations, the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the World Energy Council (WEC) are drawing global attention to the inherent qualities of nuclear power as a clean and reliable source of electricity. Now into its seventh decade, nuclear energy is seen by these and other prominent organisations as an existing and proven solution to …

IPCC Head to Speak at International Conference on Climate Change and the Role of Nuclear Power

The leader of the United Nations body responsible for assessing climate change science will headline a group of prominent speakers at the International Conference on Climate Change and the Role of Nuclear Power, to be held in Vienna from 7 to 11 October. Organized by the IAEA in cooperation with the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) …

Sharing our expertise with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission: Signing of a memorandum of cooperation to strengthen regulation of nuclear safety

On August 15, 2019, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) and the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (U.S. NRC), two of the world’s leading nuclear regulators, met to discuss increasing regulatory effectiveness through collaboration on the technical reviews of advanced reactor and small modular reactor (SMR) technologies. During the official signing ceremony in Ottawa, Ontario, …

Questions raised over future of nuclear power at Keidanren meet

Business leaders questioned the future of the nuclear power industry at a meeting of Japan’s largest business group, with some arguing that renewable energy solutions are more in line with global trends. While Keidanren (Japan Business Federation) has consistently favored restarts of suspended reactors across the nation, arguments among members have also emerged over related …