Minister of State Jitendra Singh confirmed the government’s plans for 21 new reactors – including those already under construction – and gave an update on the progress of the various projects in a written answer to the Lok Sabha. According to Singh’s statement, the following projects are classed by the government as “under construction”: Kakrapar 3 …
A Barakah nuclear power plant in the UAE, the first overseas nuclear project for Korea Electric Power Corporation [YONHAP] The state-run Korea Electric Power Corporation (Kepco) is in discussions with the Turkish government to develop four nuclear power plants worth about 40 trillion won ($30.7 billion). A spokesperson at Kepco said on Thursday that the …
South Korea on Wednesday held a ceremony to celebrate the operation of its 27th nuclear reactor, as the country has striven to become a nuclear powerhouse and to better manage electricity demand. The construction of the Shin Hanul No. 1 nuclear reactor began in 2010 in Uljin, 307 kilometers southeast of Seoul, and was completed …
The government’s newly released strategy maps out how Canada can seize the “generational opportunity” presented by a global energy transition underpinned by the exploration, extraction, processing, product manufacturing and recycling of critical minerals including uranium. The Canadian Critical Minerals Strategy was released on 9 December by Minister of Natural Resources Jonathan Wilkinson, who said it will position …
(Image: BEIS) The UK government’s funding of GBP60 million (USD 74m) for research into High Temperature Gas Reactors, a type of Advanced Modular Reactor (AMR), aims to help get a demonstration project up and running by the end of the decade. The UK government’s funding announcements on Tuesday also included GBP4 million for the AMR …
Constellation Energy CEO Joe Dominguez joins Yahoo Finance Live to discuss completing the separation of Exelon, the energy sector outperforming in the S&P 500, the Inflation Reduction Act, demand for nuclear energy, carbon-free energy, and the climate crisis. JULIE HYMAN: One of the best performers in the S&P 500 this year is kind of a stealth …
NTPC Ltd., India’s top power producer, is planning to build a massive nuclear fleet that’ll aid the nation’s push to shift away from coal and curb emissions to hit net-zero by 2070. The state-run company aims to install 20 to 30 gigawatts of nuclear capacity by 2040, according to a person familiar with the plans, …
The ceremony to mark the start of site preparations for the SMR at Darlington (Image: Doug Ford – Twitter) Site preparation is now under way for Canada’s first grid-scale small modular reactor (SMR) at Ontario Power Generation’s (OPG’s) Darlington site. Meanwhile, an initial geological survey has been completed for a proposed SMR at the Temelín …
There has been a large rise in support for developing nuclear energy in Poland, with 75% of the public now in favour, up from 39% last year. Only 13% are opposed, down from 45% in 2021. The findings come amid the energy crisis triggered by Russia’s war in Ukraine and also as the Polish government …
The first phase of the USD150 million contract will see demonstration production of high-assay low-enriched uranium (HALEU) at Piketon by the end of 2023. Centrus says it could scale up the facility to commercial production capacity, given sufficient funding. The contract signed by Centrus subsidiary American Centrifuge Operating LLC (ACO) and the US Department of …