The United States is leading an initiative with several other governments to promote nuclear power and encourage investment in new nuclear technologies. The initiative, launched on Thursday by U.S. Deputy Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette with international partners, aims to “highlight the value of nuclear energy as a clean reliable energy source”. The partners are …
While the U.S. commercial nuclear power sector continues to suffer major contraction, the outlook in Canada is much brighter. Since October 2012, U.S. nuclear operators have announced they are closing more than 20 reactors at 16 plants. By contrast, Canadians are spending more than $25 billion to refurbish 10 nuclear reactors. Ontario Power Generation, owned by …
The end of 2017 and early 2018 have seen a series of landmark events as several of the region’s countries have made major steps towards realizing their nuclear programmes. In December 2017, Egypt and Russia signed into effect notices to proceed with the contracts for Egypt’s first nuclear power plant at El Dabaa; in March …
The head of the State Office for Nuclear Safety, Dana Drábová, gave this rather blunt warning at a Prague energy conference this week attended by most of the country’s top energy executives and the Minister for Industry and Trade: ʺThere is immense pressure developing that the operating life of nuclear reactors will be limited to …
Saudi Arabia could look to adopt nuclear energy as a way to move domestic energy consumption away from oil, the country’s foreign minister told CNBC Sunday. “We are looking at a number of countries that have nuclear technology for peaceful purposes,” Al-Jubeir said, speaking to CNBC from the Munich Security Conference. Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister …
SEOUL, Jan. 23 (Yonhap) — South Korea’s energy minister vowed Tuesday to support local companies’ overseas sales of nuclear reactors, even as the Asian country reduces use of nuclear power as part of its renewable energy initiative. Under the energy transformation policy, South Korea plans to increase use of renewable energy from 7 percent in …
“It is critical that we maintain a strong domestic nuclear sector; this begins by keeping our existing plants operating,” the NEI’s vice-president for policy development and public affairs told the Forum. Much of the action to preserve existing plants will take place at the state level, he said. New York, Illinois and Connecticut have “shown …
When weighing up the pro’s and con’s of coal, solar and wind energy, there is always one alternative that seems to get swept under the rug – nuclear energy. The Minerals Council of Australia will today reinvigorate the debate over nuclear power. In a pre-budget submission to Scott Morrison, the council is urging the government to take …
In 1947, for a nation that was recently independent and had critical energy issues nuclear power seemed to the answer to all problems. It was billed as environment friendly and a technological boon. The steps towards the nuclear age had started right after independence itself when in 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) was set …
PARIS (Reuters) – French President Emmanuel Macron said on Sunday he would not follow Germany’s example by phasing out nuclear energy in France because his priority was to cut carbon emissions and shut down polluting coal-fired production. “I don’t idolize nuclear energy at all. But I think you have to pick your battle. My priority …