The main control room of the Unit 2 of the Karachi nuclear power plant, China’s self-developed third-generation HPR1000 demonstration project in Pakistan, was declared operational on April 28, according to an announcement by China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC). The landmark achievement was followed up by the commissioning of the digital control systems (DCS) of Karachi …
Egypt’s Nuclear and Radiological Regulatory Authority (ENRRA) has approved the site of al-Dabaa in the first step of the licensing process required to build a nuclear station. The ENRRA oversees nuclear activities in Egypt to ensure the safety and security of people, property and the environment from the risk of radiation. The nuclear power station at al-Dabaa will be built …
The Japanese-French consortium that agreed to build a nuclear power plant in Turkey is set to abandon the project, a former nuclear inspector at the International Atomic Energy Agency said in an analysis for Greek newspaper Kathimerini on Thursday. The plant, set to be built with four reactors in Sinop province along the Black Sea, …
Shin Kori 4 achieved first criticality – a sustained chain reaction – on 11 April. KHNP said today the 1340 MWe pressurised water reactor (PWR) was connected to the grid at 5:40pm on 22 April, marking the start of electricity supply from the unit. The power level of Shin Kori 4 will now be gradually increased …
Fennovoima is proceeding with plans to build the Hanhikivi 1 nuclear power plant in the northern Finnish city of Pyhäjoki and expects to receive the construction license in 2021, Fennovoima CEO Toni Hemminki told New Europe in an interview on the sidelines of the 2019 Atomexpo XI in Sochi on 15 April. Fennovoima had originally …
Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan ordered to suspend works at the Kyzyl-Ompul uranium site amid growing protests in Kyrgyzstan. During the government meeting to discuss this matter, PM said he ordered to create an interdepartmental commission to look into the impact of development of uranium on people and environment. All decisions on the uranium deposit should …
Chinese companies have expressed great interest in bidding for Bangladesh’s proposed second nuclear power plant. Two Chinese companies – Dongfang Electric Corporation and China State Construction Engineering Corporation – have started huge lobbying with the Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission to bag the deal. They said that the government conceived the second nuclear power plant in …
India will soon have 12 more nuclear plants soon to improve the power situation and ensure there is a free flow of uninterrupted power supply for both industries and residential use, a statement issued on Monday here quoted Secretary of the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), K N Vyas, as saying. “Nuclear technology helps in …
French nuclear energy business Framatome is preparing to take part in Bulgaria’s procedure for selection of a strategic investor in the project for construction of Belene nuclear power plant, the Bulgarian energy ministry said on Monday. The French company is is currently determining the scope of activities which it could carry out under the project, …
After a three-year hiatus, nuclear energy efforts are set to go into the overdrive in China, with a few of projects expected to go on-stream or start to work this year, industry sources said. China last approved a nuclear project in December 2015 and has since stopped approvals for construction of nuclear reactors. According to …