Chairman of the Nuclear Plants Agency Amgad al-Wakil told Egypt Today that the Egyptian Nuclear and Radiological Regulatory Authority (ENRRA) is expected to issue the permit to construct Dabaa Nuclear Power Station in the second half of 2021. Wakil pointed out that the agency applied for the permit on March 10, 2019, and that it …
Backers of the £20bn Wylfa Newydd nuclear power plant on Anglesey are poised to restart work, as “detailed conversations” get underway with government. Horizon Nuclear Power chief executive Duncan Hawthorne has revealed that conversations with government about a new funding mechanism are ongoing. Enabling work at the site was suspended in January 2019 after Hitachi, …
Unit 5 of the Tianwan nuclear power plant in China’s Jiangsu province has been connected to the grid for the first time. The 1080 MWe domestically-designed ACPR1000 pressurised water reactor achieved the milestone at 19:52 local time on 8 August, China National Nuclear Corporation announced today. The unit, which achieved first criticality on 27 July, …
Kenya’s nuclear agency submitted impact studies for a $5 billion power plant, and said it’s on course to build and start operating the facility in about seven years. The government looks to expand its nuclear-power capacity fourfold from a planned initial 1,000 megawatts by 2035, the Nuclear Power and Energy Agency said in a report …
AFTER almost four years of building, the UK’s biggest nuclear plant is nearly 40 per cent complete. The project is Electricite de France’s (EDF) Hinkley Point C, the UK’s first new nuclear power plant in more than 20 years. It is now facing delays as the coronavirus pandemic hampered work on-site and hit supply chains. …
The Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC) today announced that its operating and maintenance subsidiary, Nawah Energy Company (Nawah) has successfully started up Unit 1 of the Barakah Nuclear Energy Plant, located in the Al Dhafrah Region of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE). This step is the most historic milestone to date in the delivery …
India’s atomic power plants operator Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd (NPCIL) plans to start construction of four more nuclear power units this year, said a top official of the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC). He said two units of 700 MW will be in Haryana and two 1,000 MW units in Tamil Nadu and added …
KAPP-3, which attained criticality on Wednesday morning, is India’s first 700 MWe unit, and the biggest indigenously developed variant of the Pressurised Heavy Water Reactor. The third unit of the Kakrapar Atomic Power Project (KAPP-3) in Gujarat achieved its ‘first criticality’ — a term that signifies the initiation of a controlled but sustained nuclear fission reaction — …
The third unit of Kakrapar Atomic Power Plant (KAPP) in Gujarat is ready to generate electricity, with the 700 MWe reactor achieving ‘criticality. A nuclear reactor reaches ‘criticality’, when it is ready for ongoing nuclear reaction or fission that generates energy. “Congratulations to our nuclear scientists for achieving criticality of Kakrapar Atomic Power Plant-3! This …
The first of 163 nuclear fuel assemblies has been loaded into the VVER-1200 reactor of power unit 2 of Leningrad NPP-2. Fuel loading marks the beginning of the physical start-up of an NPP. The plant is operated by ROSATOM’s Electric Power Division Rosenergoatom. Rosenergoatom‘s Director General Andrei Petrov said: “Beginning physical start-up procedures means that …