France’s parliament voted in favour of the government’s nuclear investment plan with a large majority on Tuesday, a day after the government narrowly survived a no-confidence vote over its pension reform plan. The nuclear renewal plan, whose key plank is the planned construction of six new nuclear reactors, was approved with 402 votes in favour …
Georgia Power today announced that hot functional testing has begun for Vogtle Unit 4. Hot functional testing marks the last series of major tests underway for the new nuclear unit ahead of initial fuel load. The testing represents a significant step towards operations and providing customers with a reliable, carbon-free energy source for the next …
Last still needs regulator approval in UK, Poland for reactors Company is building its first 20-megawatt reactor in Texas Last Energy Inc., a startup developing advanced, smaller nuclear power plants, completed four deals worth $18.9 billion to build 34 reactors in Europe. The Washington-based company expects to install the first of its 20-megawatt systems as soon as …
From left to right: Joost van den Broek, Director Consultancy & Services and Bertholt Leeftink, CEO, NRG-Pallas, Anick van Calste, Philippe Van Toeye, CEO, and Denis Dumont, Chief Global Nuclear Officer, Tractebel (Image: Tractebel) Belgian engineering firm Tractebel has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Netherlands’ NRG-Pallas to collaborate in providing engineering services …
French lawmakers start examining a new bill on Monday aimed at speeding up the construction of new nuclear reactors, which President Emmanuel Macron says are crucial to bolstering France’s energy independence. Critics of the bill, however, say it ignores pressing concerns over the safety of the country’s ageing reactors as well as the industry’s dependence on uranium imported from Russia. …
China National Nuclear Power Co (CNNC) recently unveiled its 2023 investment blueprint, worth of 80.02 billion yuan ($11.58 billion), which is a near 60 percent of year-on-year increase, also marking the highest annual investment since it was listed on the stock market. According to the announcement, the annual investment plan was devised based on the …
The completion of the main internal structure of the reactor building for the ACP100 small modular reactor (SMR) demonstration project at the Changjiang nuclear power plant has been announced by China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC). CNNC said the pouring of concrete for the wall panels over 7 metres above the internal structure of reactor building …
For the past half century a majority of the world’s nuclear power generation capacity has been based in Western Europe and North America, with France and the United States alone accounting for nearly half of the global capacity footprint. Going forward, 85% of prospective capacity additions lie outside those countries, with China, India, Russia and …
Westinghouse AP1000® Reactor Marks New Era for Nuclear Energy in the United States Westinghouse Electric Company today celebrates an important milestone for Southern Nuclear, Georgia Power, and other project partners as Plant Vogtle 3 achieved the initial criticality of self-sustaining nuclear fission. Plant Vogtle, located near Waynesboro, GA, is the site of the first two …
Fifteen national political advisors submitted a joint proposal to the ongoing two sessions, highlighting the necessity and feasibility of building nuclear power plants in inland areas, strengthening the development of nuclear power, expanding the spatial distribution of nuclear power and promoting the comprehensive use of nuclear energy for heating. The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party …