France, India expand cooperation to include SMRs

France and India are to launch a cooperation programme on small modular reactors and advanced modular reactors. The announcement came after a meeting in Paris between Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President of France Emmanuel Macron, during which they noted progress made on the six-EPR power plant project in Jaitapur, India. At the invitation …

Slovakia’s JAVYS signs AP1000 and AP300 MoUs

From left: Petr Brzezina, President, Westinghouse Czech Republic and Slovakia; Elias Gedeon, SVP, Westinghouse; US Ambassador to Slovakia Gautam Rana; Pavol Štuller (Image: Westinghouse) Westinghouse Electric Company has signed memorandums of understanding (MoUs) with Slovakia’s JAVYS on the potential deployment of its AP1000 reactors and AP300 small modular reactors (SMRs) in the country. Westinghouse said …

800-tonnne core catcher, a critical safety device, installed at reactor 5 of KKNPP

The core catcher is also known as nuclear reactor core melt localisation device; it is an essential part of the prevention system ensuring safety from beyond-design-basis accidents The under-construction reactor 5 of Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project crossed a major milestone on Thursday as core catcher of the reactor, the most critical safety equipment, was placed …

Core module of world’s first commercial small modular reactor passes final acceptance

The core module of the world’s first commercial small modular reactor (SMR) project passed final acceptance of construction on Thursday, marking a breakthrough in technological innovation of modular small reactor in China. The core module of the reactor is set to be delivered to the Changjiang nuclear power plant in South China’s Hainan Province from …

Polish government approves first nuclear power plant

Poland’s Ministry of Climate and Environment has given a decision-in-principle for Polskie Elektrownie Jądrowe (PEJ) to construct a nuclear power plant in Pomerania. It is a formal confirmation that the company’s investment project is in line with the public interest and the policies pursued by the state, including energy policy. PEJ – a special purpose …

Reactor vessel and steam generators shipped to Xudapu

Four steam generators and the reactor vessel for unit 3 at the Xudapu nuclear power plant have a combined weight of 1700 tonnes and are being transported from Russia to China by road, barge and then sea from St Petersburg. The production of the equipment was carried out by AEM-Technologies, part of Rosatom-Atomenergomash. Xudapu units 3 …

Korea reacts to nuclear demand with plans for 10 overseas plants

The fourth and last unit of the Barakah nuclear reactor in the United Arab Emirates built by Korean companies [KOREA ELECTRIC POWER CORPORATION] Korea is looking to become a powerhouse in nuclear power plant exports with government plans to export 10 nuclear plants by 2030. Poland, the Czech Republic, Turkey and Romania are potential candidates …

The EDF Group files requests for authorisations to build the first pair of EPR2 reactors on the Penly site

EDF is engaged in the authorisation procedures required for the launch of the construction of the first pair of EPR2 reactors at Penly, as well as the administrative procedures for its completion and its link-up to the electricity grid. EDF’s target is to start preparatory work mid-2024. Following the analysis of the results of the …

Hungary will need additional small modular reactor, minister says

Hungary will need to build at least one small modular reactor (SMR) on top of the already planned extension of the Paks nuclear plant, the minister of energy said in an interview on Monday. “The earliest date for their procurement in Hungary is 2029-2030,” Csaba Lantos told online newspaper “I don’t think it should …