At the beginning of September, Vattenfall’s CEO Anna Borg brings parts of the company’s Group Management to Canada to visit developers of nuclear power technology, power companies and authorities. It is the first in a series of visits to leading nuclear power countries, with the aim of deepening knowledge ahead of a possible new construction …
The first safety-related concrete has been poured for the nuclear island of the unit 6 HPR1000 (Hualong One) at the Lufeng nuclear power plant in China’s Guangdong province. It is the second HPR1000 under construction at the site, where four CAP1000s are also planned. In a statement to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, China General …
There’s an atomic price chasm between Beijing and Washington, giving China a green advantage and leaving the US trailing in its efforts to clean up the power grid. When it comes to the speed and cost of nuclear power, the gap between the US and China is turning into a chasm. Take a single Monday. …
Russia’s Rosatom is already building Turkey’s first nuclear plants in the southern province of Mersin Turkey is in talks with Russia and South Korea for the construction of a nuclear plant in the northern province of Sinop, Energy Minister Alparslan Bayraktar said on Monday. Russia’s Rosatom is already building Turkey’s first nuclear plants in the …
Saudi Arabia is considering a Chinese bid to build it a nuclear power plant, the Wall Street Journal reported on Friday, a decision that could derail U.S. plans in the kingdom. State-owned China National Nuclear Corp (CNNC) has bid to build a nuclear plant in Saudi Arabia’s Eastern Province, near the border with Qatar and …
Swedish nuclear technical services provider Studsvik has signed a memorandum of understanding with small modular reactor (SMR) project development company Kärnfull Next, which is investigating the possibility of constructing and operating SMRs on the Studsvik industrial site near Nyköping on Sweden’s east coast. Kärnfull Next said the feasibility study began in May, and preliminary results …
KHNP is likely to pay technical advisory fees to Westinghouse to settle dispute over reactor exports to Poland Poland started an approval process to build a nuclear power plant consisting of South Korean reactors, foreign media reported, despite the ongoing dispute over the Asian country’s export of atomic furnaces between US Westinghouse Electric Corp. and …
The start of construction follows amendments to the construction contract agreed in August 2023. Atomstroyexport, a subsidiary of Russian state nuclear energy company Rosatom, has commenced main-stage construction of two new water-water energetic reactor (VVER)-1200 power units at the Paks II nuclear power plant (NPP) in Hungary, with a total power-generating capacity of 2.4GW. Rosatom’s …
The PHRS is a passive safety system that ensures the long-term removal of heat from the reactor core into the atmosphere in the absence of all sources of power supply The installation of eight heat exchangers of the Passive Heat Removal System (PHRS) has been completed in Unit 1 of the Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant …
PGE PAK Energia Jądrowa has submitted an application to Poland’s Ministry of Climate for a decision-in-principle on the construction of the nuclear power plant consisting of at least two Korean-supplied APR1400 reactors in the Patnów-Konin region of Wielkopolska province in central Poland. PGE PAK Energia Jądrowa SA is a 50/50 joint special purpose vehicle formed …