PARIS, Jan 6 (Reuters) – The French government expects plans for new nuclear reactors should be submitted around 2023 with a target date of 2035-37 for the reactors to go online, junior environment minister Berangere Abba was quoted as saying in French daily Le Figaro. She said the new reactors would be EPR2 models, improved …
On January 1, 2022, the Chinese independently developed nuclear reactor, HPR1000, brought a good start: Unit 6 of Fuqing Nuclear Power Plant(FQNP) of China National Nuclear Corporation(CNNC) successfully achieved the grid connection, marking the beginning of power generation. This is the 3rd HPR1000 unit in the global, meanwhile the 2nd HPR1000 unit in China that …
The K-3 Unit of Karachi nuclear power plant in Pakistan, the second overseas nuclear power unit adopting HPR1000 technology, finished first fuel loading recently, marking the unit’s entry into the nuclear commissioning stage. This has laid a sound foundation for subsequent criticality and grid-connection of K-3 Unit. HPR1000 is one of the most widely accepted …
Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC) has announced steady progress on its ambitious Barakah nuclear plant project coming up in the Al Dhafra region of Abu Dhabi with the last two units – Units 3 and 4 – in the final stages of commissioning. Enec is part of ADQ, one of the region’s largest holding companies …
On 22 December, on Power Engineers’ Day – the professional holiday, loading of fresh fuel started at Belarus NPP Unit 2 (general designer and general contractor is ROSATOM Engineering Division). At 10:11 а.m. the first fuel assembly (FA) with nuclear fuel was loaded into the reactor core. Totally 163 fuel assemblies will be consequentially loaded …
First criticality of the OL3 EPR plant unit was reached on Tuesday, December 21, 2021 at 3.22 a.m. OL3 EPR’s electricity production starts when the unit will be connected to the national grid at the end of January 2022. OL3’s reactor started up today on Tuesday, December 21 at 3.22 a.m. The moment of the …
TOKYO, Dec 20 (Reuters) – Japan’s Kyushu Electric Power (9507.T) has restarted the No. 1 reactor at its Sendai nuclear power plant in southwestern Japan after scheduled maintenance and refuelling, a spokesperson said on Monday. The utility restarted the 890-megawatt (MW) reactor on Saturday, the spokesperson said. The reactor had been shut since Oct. 17 when the …
China announced on December 20 that at the Shidaowan Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) in Shandong province of east China, the world’s first High Temperature gas cooled Reactor of Pebble bed Module (HTR-PM) is now connected to the grid. It is also the first fourth generation (GEN IV) NPP of High Temperature Gas cooled Reactor (HTGR) connected to the grid, along with its unique inherent …
On December 20, 2021, the main construction period of the Kudankulam NPP Unit 6 (in the Republic of India) was officially launched through the first concreting in the foundation slab of the reactor building. “The first two NPP power units are demonstrating the sustainable operation at the nominal power level. The power units of the …
China National Nuclear Corp’s (CNNC) Fuqing nuclear power plant in East China’s Fujian Province, the country’s second nuclear unit using Hualong One technology, a domestically developed third-generation reactor design, reached criticality for the first time on Saturday, marking its official entry into operation and an important step toward commissioning. Experts said that the unit will …