– Japan needs to make the best use of existing nuclear power capacity to defy soaring electricity prices, the head of the country’s utilities group said on Friday. Serious discussions are needed on nuclear power policy as the global liquefied natural gas (LNG) market may become even tighter in the event of disruption to Russian …
The construction of unit 1 of the San’ao nuclear power plant in China’s Zhejiang province has “entered a new stage” with the start of installation of equipment within its nuclear island, China General Nuclear (CGN) announced. On 2 September 2020, the executive meeting of the State Council approved the construction of units 1 and 2 …
Newly released polling shows strong local support for extending the operations of the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, California’s largest source of carbon free energy generation. Statewide support for extending operations of the plant was also strong, according to the poll conducted by FM3 Research. Gov. Gavin Newsom recently announced his intent to explore options to continue operations at the Diablo Canyon …
Construction of unit 4 at the Xudapu nuclear power plant in China’s Liaoning province has officially got under way with the pouring of first concrete for the reactor’s nuclear island. The unit is the second of two VVER-1200 reactors at the site to be supplied by Russia. In June 2018, Russia and China signed four …
Two utility industry trade groups have asked for more time for their members to consider applying for funds under a new federal program to stop nuclear generators from shutting down. Edison Electric Institute and Nuclear Energy Institute made the request to Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm in a letter sent on Monday. Under the program, which …
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) CEO Jeff Lyash said this would be the next milestone for project to build a BWRX-300 small modular reactor at Clinch River near Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Lyash’s comments were made in a conference call to discuss the authority’s financial results for the second quarter of fiscal 2022. In February, TVA announced …
China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) has signed contracts for the civil construction of the nuclear islands and installation engineering for the planned second phases of the Sanmen and Haiyang nuclear power plants. The construction of Phase II (units 3 and 4) of the Sanmen plant in Zhejiang province and units 3 and 4 of the …
The South Korean government announced on May 11 that the construction of Shin Hanul Nuclear Power Plant Units 3 and 4 would start in 2025 and an application would be made next year so that Kori Units 2 can be operated beyond its service life. In the same context, it is going to change laws …
A major Japanese steel-maker is calling for a quicker restart of nuclear reactors that were idled after the Fukushima disaster more than a decade ago as it grapples with soaring energy costs. Tokyo Steel Manufacturing Co., Japan’s biggest producer of steel made from scrap, said more nuclear power generation was essential to revive the competitiveness …
Phase 2 of the public hearing for NB Power’s licence renewal application for the Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station got underway Tuesday in Saint John. NB Power continued to plead its case to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) for a first-in-Canada 25-year renewal that would see operations continue into 2047. Representatives for the corporation said this timeframe would …