One of the reactors at the Grundremmingen plant has been switched off as part of Germany’s plan to scale back nuclear power. The power station was the site of Germany’s first fatal nuclear power plant accident. A southern German nuclear reactor was taken offline on Sunday afternoon after 33 years in operation, the plant confirmed. German …
TOKYO (Reuters) – Kansai Electric Power Co said on Friday it will decommission two 38-year-old reactors at its Ohi nuclear plant as Japan’s electricity industry struggles to cope with new safety standards imposed after the 2011 Fukushima disaster. The widely expected announcement brings to 14 the number of reactors being scrapped since the meltdowns at …
The landmark Hiroshima High Court ruling ordering a suspension of operations at the Ikata nuclear power plant will likely have far-reaching ramifications for Japan’s nuclear energy policy. It zeroed in on an aspect that has long been an issue with the anti-nuclear lobby, the Ehime Prefecture plant’s proximity to an active volcano and the prospect …
PARIS, Dec 15 (Reuters) – French state-controlled utility EDF on Friday again revised downwards its 2017 nuclear output forecasts for 2017 that because of reactor outages in past weeks. EDF said nuclear output would be slightly below the target range of 383-387 terawatt-hours (TWh) it gave in October. In a statement, however, the group confirmed …
HIROSHIMA – The Hiroshima High Court on Wednesday revoked a lower court decision and ordered the suspension of a nuclear reactor at Shikoku Electric Power Co.’s Ikata power plant in Ehime Prefecture, dealing a blow to the government and utilities that are aiming to bring more reactors back online. The high court suspension order — the …
A decision on whether to complete two new nuclear reactors at Plant Vogtle has been moved up from February to next week, the chairman of the Public Service Commission said Monday. Commissioner Stan Wise said it will decide Dec. 21 after he received a request from Georgia Power Company to move the decision to this …
A possible active fault beneath the Tomari nuclear power plant in Hokkaido could prolong the government’s screening process for a restart and deal a major financial blow to Hokkaido Electric Power Co., the plant’s operator. On Dec. 8, the Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) did not accept the assertion of Hokkaido Electric Power that no active …
PARIS, Dec 5 (Reuters) – France’s ASN nuclear regulator has given approval for the country’s state-controlled utility EDF to restart its Tricastin nuclear reactors, the ASN said in a statement. The ASN said it had given approval for EDF to restart reactors 2, 3 and 4. The four reactors have been offline since September as …
Last month, the French government dropped a legal target set by the previous government to reduce the share of nuclear to 50 percent by 2025, from 75 percent today. “We want to reach this objective. Our method will be to be as realistic as possible,” Poirson told reporters at the annual conference of the UFE …
TOKYO (Reuters) – Two Japanese nuclear operators said on Thursday they will delay the restart of nuclear plants to check whether they have received compromised parts from Kobe Steel Ltd (5406.T), which has admitted to widespread fabrication of data on products. The delays widen the impact of the Kobe Steel data fabrication scandal, which has …