In a landmark decision, the California Public Utilities Commission has decided PG&E can close Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant in 2025 — and San Luis Obispo County still won’t get its much-desired $85 million mitigation settlement to support the community through the shutdown. PG&E will get more than expected for its employee retention and retraining …
SEOUL, Jan. 12 (Yonhap) — The state-run Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (KHNP) said Friday Shin Kori-3, an advanced nuclear reactor designed for exports, has operated without problems since coming online in December 2016. The ARP-1400 reactor in Ulsan, 410 kilometers southeast of Seoul, achieved “one cycle of trouble-free” operation for 389 days, the nuclear …
Japan and Britain have agreed to provide the lion’s share of financing for a nuclear power plant project planned by Hitachi Ltd. on the island of Anglesey off northwest Wales, sources said. The two governments are set to extend a combined 2.2 trillion yen ($20 billion) in loans with the help of financial institutions and …
Last year, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) presented two possible scenarios for global nuclear power capacity up to 2050. One was a ‘high’ projection, in which capacity nearly doubles over ten years, and the other a ‘low’ projection, where capacity decreases markedly. Heidi Vella explores the scenarios side by side to see which is …
Russia is ready to offer several options for financing the nuclear power plant construction project in Uzbekistan, Sputnik news agency reported citing a source. According to the source, presently, the Uzbek government is working out a detailed proposal for the construction of the nuclear power plant and estimation of possible investments. “This is a political …
Are there countries in the world that use nuclear energy to provide more than 50% of their electricity? France is the only country that went much above 50% nuclear, achieving 75% of electricity from nuclear. It’s given it a long-term headache that will only be resolved in a few more decades as the reactors age out …
The UAE’s first nuclear power plant has announced that the final two of its four reactors are now connected to the country’s electricity grid. The development is described as a “significant milestone” by Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation, ahead of the nuclear plant’s activation expected later this year. The Barakah Nuclear Energy Plant will have four …
TASS, December 31. Rosatom made the first start of the third power unit of the Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) under construction in China on December 30, the Russian state nuclear corporation said on Sunday. “The power startup of the power unit No. 3 of the Tianwan NPP under construction in China according to the …
The latest commissioning delay at CGN Power’s nuclear project in Taishan, in Guangdong province – the third in two years – will lead to a further deferral of 5 billion yuan (US$770 million) in annual revenues and potentially more cost overruns, according to ratings agency Moody’s. The delay is another setback for China’s ambitious development …
Russia’s latest nuclear power reactor, Rostov 4, reached criticality and minimum controlled power on 29 December. It is Russia’s 36th reactor in a fleet that meets about 18% of the country’s electricity demand. With the integrity and function of all operation and safety systems already verified, the unit is now in the final stage of …