Westinghouse to hold talks for 6 N-reactors in Andhra Pradesh

New Delhi:US nuclear major Westinghouse, overcoming troubles over bankruptcy and buoyed by takeover by a Canadian consortium, will hold talks this week with the Indian government. It hopes to finally implement an Indo-American agreement for setting up six nuclear reactors in Andhra Pradesh. Westinghouse will limit its role to supply of reactor technology, allowing construction …

Seven of Japan’s Ten Power Companies See Falling Profits Due to Higher Fuel Costs: Key Is Restarting NPPs

On January 31, Japan’s ten major power companies announced their fiscal results for the first three quarters of fiscal 2017 (that is, from April to December 2017). Ordinary profits at seven of them declined year-on-year, the exceptions being the Hokuriku Electric Power Co., the Shikoku Electric Power Co., and the Okinawa Electric Power Co. The …

Shikoku Electric Power Enjoys Increased Revenues after Ikata-3 Restart

On January 30, Japan’s Shikoku Electric Power Co. released its consolidated accounts for the third quarter of FY2017 (April 2017 to March 2018). Partly due to increased quantities of electric power sold to other power utilities thanks to the resumption of operations at its Ikata-3 Nuclear Power Plant (PWR, 890MWe), the company’s operating revenues were …

‘Buy America’ uranium petition prompts fuel buyers to re-examine sourcing

A petition filed by two US uranium-producing companies that asks the Trump administration to require that 25% of US reactor operator uranium requirements be met with domestically sourced material will prompt many US nuclear fleet fuel buyers to re-examine their near- and long-term uranium sourcing strategies, an industry consultant said in a January 29 interview. …