The nuclear energy plant in Dabaa is one of the largest national projects built in Egypt. It is built and supervised by Russia’s Rosatom. The plant consists of four nuclear reactors with a total capacity of 4800MW, with each reactor having a capacity of 1,200MW. The first reactor will start operating in 2026. Dabaa station …
A general contract for Russian-designed power units No. 3 and No. 4 construction with VVER-1200 reactors at Xudapu nuclear power plant was signed on June 5 in Moscow in presence of heads of Russia and China. The official signing ceremony took place during President of China Xi Jinping state visit to Russia. The documents were …
Unit 5 of CNNC’s Fuqing Nuclear Power Plant, China’s first Hualong One nuclear power plant, successfully completed the installation of a rotor inside its generator on May 28, marking a major step toward the next phase of the plant’s tests. Future tasks scheduled include testing its turning gear, as well as checking the whole unit’s …
With the ceremonial launch of the nuclear-powered arctic ice breaker ‘Ural’ today, Russia’s nuclear energy giant, ROSATOM, has completed another step towards ensuring all-year round navigability of the Northern Sea Route (NSR). The 173 metre-long ‘Ural’ is equipped with two highly efficient and compact RITM-200 nuclear reactors on board, capable of generating up to 350MW …
The Bulgarian government has invited strategic investment in the Belene nuclear power plant project. The “call for expressions of interest for a strategic investor and/or acquisition of a minority shareholding and/or purchase of electricity” was published in the Official Journal of the European Union yesterday. Natsionalna Elektricheska Kompania EAD (NEK) has developed a project for …
Finland’s Olkiluoto 3 nuclear reactor has begun work to repair a previously reported problem that causes vibrations in its cooling unit, and which must be fixed before regulators sign off on its safety, operator TVO said on Thursday. Start-up of the reactor, Finland’s first new nuclear plant in some 40 years, is a decade behind …
The first 220 MW nuclear power plant at Kakrapar Atomic Power Station (KAPS-1) will be synchronised with the grid next week and power generation will be increased after that, a senior official of Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd (NPCIL) said. The KAPS-1 unit/reactor attained criticality, or initiation of controlled self sustaining nuclear fission chain …
Due to atrophy at home and competition abroad, the U.S. nuclear industry is increasingly at risk of losing power plants, workforce talent and global business. Why it matters: The civilian and military nuclear sectors depend on one another, and both are strategic assets vital to national security. Nuclear energy also eases the path to decarbonizing the …
An International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) team of experts completed a review of long term operational safety at the Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) Unit 1 in China on 10 May. The SALTO (Safety Aspects of Long Term Operation) follow-up review mission was requested by the plant’s operator, Nuclear Power Operations Management Co (CNNO), a …
The Russian state corporation Rosatom and the Ministry of Energy of Uzbekistan have signed a road map for the implementation of the second phase of construction of a nuclear power plant (NPP) in Uzbekistan. The Energy Minister of Uzbekistan Alisher Sultanov and Director General of Rosatom Alexey Likhachev signed the document within the framework of …