Iran’s uranium stockpile rises further, say media

Iran has tripled its stockpile of enriched uranium to 1,020.9 kg over the past three months and failed to provide International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors access to two undeclared sites, various news agencies reported yesterday. Citing confidential documents issued by the IAEA to its member states, they reported that Tehran had refused the IAEA access …

Russia lends Egypt $25 billion for Dabaa nuclear power plant

Atomstroyexport, a subsidiary of Russia’s State Atomic Energy Corporation, or Rosatom, announced Feb. 17 that three Egyptian companies were awarded a tender offer for constructing the first phase of Egypt’s Dabaa nuclear power plant. The three Egyptian companies, competing among 10 others, are Petrojet, Hassan Allam and the Arab Contractors. The Egyptian government intends to start negotiations …

Belarus inspects Ostrovets plant ahead of fuel loading : Regulation & Safety

The Nuclear and Radiation Safety Department of the Belarusian Emergencies Ministry (Gosatomnadzor) has begun a 30-day inspection of the nuclear power plant under construction in Belarus to assess its readiness to take delivery of fuel. The regulator will also check operator BelNPP’s managerial and technical alignment with legislative standards, including those concerning nuclear and radiation …

Nawah Energy Company Receives Operating License for Unit 1 of Barakah Nuclear Energy Plant, and commences fuel load

Abu Dhabi, UAE: Nawah Energy Company (Nawah), the subsidiary of the Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC) responsible for operating and maintaining the Barakah Nuclear Energy Plant, has received the Operating License for Unit 1 from the Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation (FANR). Following receipt, Nawah has commenced loading the first nuclear fuel assemblies as the …

Five nuclear vendors expected to compete for Czech reactor

Five international companies are lining up in the race to add a fifth nuclear reactor to the Czech Republic’s Dukovany nuclear power plant. Karel Havlicek, the Czech trade and industry minister, said last week that an agreement on the project had been reached between the government and the state-controlled energy utility CEZ. Havlicek said: ““We are determined …

EDF readies plans for £16bn Sizewell C nuclear plant

French-owned energy giant reportedly plotting new nuclear power station in Suffolk in partnership with China’s CGN EDF is gearing up to formally submit plans for a new £16bn-£20bn nuclear power station at Sizewell in Suffolk within weeks, which if approved could generate enough energy for around six million UK homes, according to reports. The French …

Russia, India May Cooperate To Build Nuclear Plants In Middle East, Africa

Russia and India could potentially form a partnership to build nuclear power plants across Africa and the Middle East. “There are also good prospects for cooperation of Russia and India in nuclear energy in third [party] countries,” said Indian Ambassador to Russia Venkatesh Varma. Varma noted that Russia and India have already been working together …