Officials from Central Asia’s largest country announced this week the government’s intent to join the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) to develop the country’s nuclear research. “Great opportunities in the field of nuclear research are opening up for our scientists,” said Sungat Yesimkhanov, Kazakhstan’s Vice-Minister of Energy, while addressing an extended meeting held Tuesday in the …
A patent application for an accelerator mass spectrometer developed by the China Institute of Atomic Energy, a subsidiary of CNNC, was recently approved in the US and Japan. This is the first time that the China Institute of Atomic Energy has been granted an international patent. The accelerator mass spectrometer is able to accelerate and …
The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has certified the Korean-designed Advanced Power Reactor 1400 (APR-1400). The certificate states that the NRC finds the design fully meets US safety requirements. Korea Electric Power Corporation (Kepco) and its subsidiary Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power (KHNP) originally submitted the design to the NRC in September 2013. They then …
Idaho National Laboratory could be the center of nuclear reactor development in America for decades to come, the U.S. Department of Energy announced Wednesday. The National Reactor Innovation Center will be sited at INL, meaning INL will partner with private companies to test new nuclear reactors here. Depending on how many companies enter into reactor …
To continually support the safety and efficiency of the world’s power supply, international leaders in nuclear safety and regulation convened at Penn State on July 1 to establish and guide an upcoming research project to be conducted in the Department of Mechanical Engineering (ME). Fan-Bill Cheung, the George L. Guillet Professor of Mechanical Engineering and …
Government pumping £18m into construction of reactors designed by Rolls-Royce which are expected to create thousands of jobs. A series of mini-nuclear reactors could be built across the North in a major power scheme. Plants could generate energy in Yorkshire, Cumbria, Lancashire and Cheshire under a project spearheaded by Rolls-Royce for “small modular reactors”. The …
America’s oldest and biggest research lab in Oak Ridge has reshaped science around the world and remains a key asset for East Tennessee’s workforce, businesses and economy. This Sunday and next, the Times Free Press looks at some of the work of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and its impact in our region. In 2015, …
Today in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) published a Notice of Intent in the Federal Register announcing that the department will develop an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to study the impacts of building a Versatile Test Reactor in the U.S. to test future fuels and materials …
The bipartisan bill follows the revelation that a longtime Trump advisor was pushing for lucrative nuclear deals with Riyadh. A bipartisan group of lawmakers is introducing new legislation aimed at restricting the transfer of nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia, the latest sign of growing congressional backlash to the Trump administration’s close relationship with the wealthy Gulf …
The UK obtained 19% of its primary energy from low-carbon sources last year, with 39% of this from nuclear power, but this was 7% lower than in 2017 due to outages at Dungeness B and Hunterston B towards the end of 2018, official statistics published today show. Nuclear capacity was broadly the same as in …