Vietnam approves nuclear power plan aiming for reactor online in next decade

Vietnam formally approved a nuclear power development plan with the aim of having a reactor online in the next decade, an ambitious strategy to lift energy security and meet aggressive economic growth targets. The Southeast Asian nation launched a regulatory framework and plans to establish human resources and research infrastructure needed to develop atomic energy …

New York leads multi-state consortium to drive nuclear energy deployment and support state clean energy goals

The National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO) announced a multi-state initiative to accelerate advanced nuclear energy projects. The initiative was first previewed by Gov. Kathy Hochul of New York last month and will be co-chaired by New York, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Wyoming. They will be joined by Maryland, Pennsylvania, Utah, Virginia, and West …

Trump to help spark a nuclear energy ‘renaissance,’ investor says

Nuclear energy is set for a “renaissance” under U.S. President Donald Trump, according to Tema ETFs’ Yuri Khodjamirian. The chief investment officer noted that the Trump administration is “very, very interested” in backing new nuclear energy technology. “There’s a lot of excitement there, and equally, a lot of loss-making companies that have unproven technologies, and …

Four SMR developers aim to build reactors at Texas A&M University site

Texas A&M University System Chancellor John Sharp said land has been offered to the four companies to build their small modular reactors (SMRs) at the site, with an application already started for an Early Site Permit with the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The proposed site is projected to accommodate multiple SMRs with a combined electrical output of …

Southeast Asia looks to nuclear power to supercharge its energy transition

 Southeast Asia’s only nuclear power plant, completed four decades ago in Bataan, about 40 miles from the Philippine capital Manila, was built in the 1970s but left idle due to safety concerns and corruption. It has never produced a single watt of energy. Now the Philippines and other countries in fast-growing Southeast Asia are looking …

CT Democrats propose modular nuclear power plants to tackle rising electricity costs

Connecticut Democrats’ energy proposals this year include an override of the state’s 40-year moratorium on nuclear power plants to allow for the construction of small modular reactors. Senate Democratic leaders announced their “Ratepayers First Act” energy legislation at a media briefing at the Legislative Office Building in Hartford on Thursday. Senator Norm Needleman, co-chair of …

Three SMRs selected for evaluation in ship propulsion study

The initial phase of Norway’s NuProShip initiative – which is evaluating Generation IV small modular reactor technologies for their viability in commercial shipping applications – has concluded, with three SMR technologies being selected for further evaluation in the next phase. The NuProShip project is being funded by the Research Council of Norway. Alongside Norwegian shipbuilder …

Czech energy plan focuses on renewables and nuclear

The Czech Republic has submitted its updated National Energy and Climate Plan to the European Commission, featuring large renewable and nuclear energy capacity increases. The Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of the Environment worked together on the update, which models the development of the country’s energy sector to fulfil European Union decarbonisation targets. Minister of …

Eight Indiana coal sites offer ‘intriguing opportunities’ for nuclear plants, per new Purdue study

Advancement of small modular reactors is slow nationwide. But researchers encourage Indiana to explore — and incentivize — the technology. A new, quietly-released study showed that small nuclear reactors could present “substantial opportunities” for Indiana to meet its energy demands, and identified eight current or former coal sites across the state that could serve as …

California startup strikes deal with data center customer to deploy underground SMRs

Deep Fission aims to eliminate the need for costly concrete and steel surface containment buildings by placing its reactor a mile underground. (Various sizes of Deep Fission Borehole Reactor options, as seen in regulatory documents. Source: NRC.) Using its concept of underground small modular reactors (SMRs), California-based startup Deep Fission has reached an agreement to help power …