Government pumping £18m into construction of reactors designed by Rolls-Royce which are expected to create thousands of jobs. A series of mini-nuclear reactors could be built across the North in a major power scheme. Plants could generate energy in Yorkshire, Cumbria, Lancashire and Cheshire under a project spearheaded by Rolls-Royce for “small modular reactors”. The …
America’s oldest and biggest research lab in Oak Ridge has reshaped science around the world and remains a key asset for East Tennessee’s workforce, businesses and economy. This Sunday and next, the Times Free Press looks at some of the work of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and its impact in our region. In 2015, …
Today in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) published a Notice of Intent in the Federal Register announcing that the department will develop an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to study the impacts of building a Versatile Test Reactor in the U.S. to test future fuels and materials …
The bipartisan bill follows the revelation that a longtime Trump advisor was pushing for lucrative nuclear deals with Riyadh. A bipartisan group of lawmakers is introducing new legislation aimed at restricting the transfer of nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia, the latest sign of growing congressional backlash to the Trump administration’s close relationship with the wealthy Gulf …
The South African Young Nuclear Professional Society (SAYNPS) urges the minister to follow through with plans to return the South African nuclear industry to its former glory. Following Minister Gwede Mantashe’s Mineral Resources and Energy Budget Vote Speech earlier this month, the organisation is very optimistic about the future of the nuclear industry in South …
New nuclear power and new technologies to cut emissions across the economy could be rolled out under a new financing model and government investment to decarbonise the UK’s energy sector. The government today (23 July 2019) set out proposals to explore the use of the Regulated Asset Base (RAB) approach to attract significant private investment for future …
Enough communities in Utah and elsewhere have agreed to purchase nuclear power from a small modular reactor planned at the Idaho National Laboratory, triggering a next phase in its development. Participating members in the Carbon Free Power Project signed contracts that total more than 150 megawatts, which means there will be an increased focus on …
China has started building its first small modular reactor (SMR) project on the island province of Hainan, the state-owned China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) said on Thursday, as part of the country’s efforts to diversify its nuclear sector. The project was originally scheduled to go into construction in 2017. The company did not say when …
Moltex Energy USA LLC has been awarded USD2.55 million of US federal funding to develop technologies that will be capable of shortening Stable Salt Reactor (SSR) construction timelines to under three years. The funding, from the US Department of Energy’s Advanced Research Project Agency-Energy (ARPA-E), will be used to develop composite structural technologies (COST) for …
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced $49.3 million in nuclear energy research, facility access, crosscutting technology development, and infrastructure awards for 58 advanced nuclear technology projects in 25 states. The awards fall under DOE’s nuclear energy programs called the Nuclear Energy University Program (NEUP), the Nuclear Science User Facilities (NSUF) program, and crosscutting …