Minister of State Jitendra Singh confirmed the government’s plans for 21 new reactors – including those already under construction – and gave an update on the progress of the various projects in a written answer to the Lok Sabha. According to Singh’s statement, the following projects are classed by the government as “under construction”: Kakrapar 3 …
Skyharbour Resources Ltd. (TSX-V:SYH) (OTCQX:SYHBF) (Frankfurt:SC1P) (the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has engaged Condor Consulting Inc. to conduct geophysical and geological data compilation and interpretation work on the Company’s Russell Lake Uranium Project. Condor provides a full range of services for processing, modeling and analysis of geophysical data. The team has extensive experience …
A Barakah nuclear power plant in the UAE, the first overseas nuclear project for Korea Electric Power Corporation [YONHAP] The state-run Korea Electric Power Corporation (Kepco) is in discussions with the Turkish government to develop four nuclear power plants worth about 40 trillion won ($30.7 billion). A spokesperson at Kepco said on Thursday that the …
A BN-1200 fuel rod (Image: Rosatom) Experimental fuel assemblies for the BN-600 reactor incorporating BN-1200 fuel rods have been manufactured at the Siberian Chemical Combine in Seversk with the intention they will be loaded into the BN-600 fast neutron reactor at Beloyarsk, Russia, in 2023, Rosatom has said. The BN-1200 is a fast sodium reactor …
South Korea on Wednesday held a ceremony to celebrate the operation of its 27th nuclear reactor, as the country has striven to become a nuclear powerhouse and to better manage electricity demand. The construction of the Shin Hanul No. 1 nuclear reactor began in 2010 in Uljin, 307 kilometers southeast of Seoul, and was completed …
The government’s newly released strategy maps out how Canada can seize the “generational opportunity” presented by a global energy transition underpinned by the exploration, extraction, processing, product manufacturing and recycling of critical minerals including uranium. The Canadian Critical Minerals Strategy was released on 9 December by Minister of Natural Resources Jonathan Wilkinson, who said it will position …
(Image: BEIS) The UK government’s funding of GBP60 million (USD 74m) for research into High Temperature Gas Reactors, a type of Advanced Modular Reactor (AMR), aims to help get a demonstration project up and running by the end of the decade. The UK government’s funding announcements on Tuesday also included GBP4 million for the AMR …
Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power (KHNP) confirmed that Hanbit unit 4 resumed power generation at 3:40 am on 11 December, ending an outage that began in May 2017. The six-unit Hanbit nuclear power plant (Image: KHNP) The unit was taken offline for a “planned preventive maintenance” outage but remained offline after the discovery of “voids” …
Unit 3 at the Barakah nuclear power station has been brought to 100% of its reactor power capacity for the first time as part of its testing activities, project company Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (Enec) said. The milestone brings the third unit of the four-unit Barakah station – the first commercial nuclear power station in …
Denison Mines Corp. (“Denison” or the “Company”) (TSX: DML) (NYSE American: DNN) is pleased to announce the successful completion of the neutralization phase of the Phoenix in-situ recovery (“ISR”) Feasibility Field Test (“FFT”) at the Company’s 95% owned Wheeler River project (“Wheeler River” or the “Project”). Sampling of monitoring wells around the FFT site has confirmed the successful restoration of the Leaching Zone (defined …